This is an addon for Ashita v4 that keeps track of you and your parties drops from HELMing (currently only mining and logging).
It works by announcing your HELM results in the party chat. The addon then extracts the item that was gotten from the message and hides it, as to not clutter your chat log. Note, that others in your party that don't have this addon loaded will see these messages and have their chat log flooded. Ideally you would only have this addon loaded in a HELM party, where everyone uses it.
Please note that if you want to use this addon to split your drops, you'd still need a certain amount of trust between you and your party, since their is no way (that i know of) to check the legitimacy of these result-announcing messages.
: Displays your parties HELMing pool in an imgui window
- Display the value of your HELMing pool similar to hgather
- Nicer GUI