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Project Objective :

The objective of this personal project is to develop an application allowing the users to manipulate Deterministic finite automaton (DFA) on their terminal.
This data structure from programming language theory makes it possible to determine whether a word belongs to a language.

Configure :

Clone the repository (or download it) :

git clone

Open your terminal in the folder lumo.
Execute the following command to configure the command lumo :

make config

Formats :


  • The file containing the automata must be formatted as follows :
    Line 1 : The letters of the alphabet, separated from each other by a space.
    Line 2 : The states of the automata, separated from each other by a space.
    Line 3 : The initial state.
    Line 4 : The finals states, separated from each other by a space.
    Line 5 : The transitions, separated from each other by a space.
    Exemple of the format of a transition : q0-a-q1
  • Epsilon transitions are reprsesented as the following example : q0-epsilon-q1
  • The states formed from several states are formalized as follows : {q0} U {q1} -> q0;q1

How to use :

Flags usage :

  • -w : Take in argument the word you want to recognize with the automata.
  • -in : Take in argument the path of the file that contains an automata.
  • -out : Take in argument the path to save the finite deterministic and complete automata.
  • -union : Take in argument the path of the file that contains the automata that you want to union with the automata from the flag -in.
  • -comp : Take nothing in argument, this flag realize the complementary of the automata.

Examples :

  • To check if a abc is recognized by the automata contained in path/to/file.txt you can do that :
    lumo abc path/to/file.txt
    lumo -in path/to/file.txt -w abc


If you want to test with the epsilon word you can do that :

lumo -w "" -in path/to/file.txt
  • To save the new automata from the file1 to the file2 you can do that :
    lumo "" file1 file2
    lumo "" -in file1 -out file2
  • To realize the union of A1 U A2 you can do that :
    lumo "" -in A1.txt -union A2.txt -out union.txt
  • To realize the complementary of the automata :
    lumo "" -comp


OS Shell Compatibility
Type Unix
~ ~


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