- Action runs maven command with supplied parameters.
- Includes saving cache after build.
- In case that build needs to assume aws role use optional parameter: maven-aws-role.
- Maven step configure credentials environment variables for AWS SDK v1/v2 and AWS_ASSUME_ROLE_ARN for assume role credentials provider
- uses: ohpensource/run-maven-gh-action@v0.1.0
name: Run maven command
phases: clean install
profiles: github
parameters: >-
threads: 1C
save-cache: true
maven-aws-access-key: <<AWS_ACCESS_KEY>>
maven-aws-secret-key: <<AWS_SECRET_KEY>>
maven-aws-role: <<AWS_ROLE_TO_ASSUME>>
- save-cache - If cache should be saved after maven run
- jvm-options - Maven Java virtual machine settings like memory configuration
- if missing JVM -Xmx parameter then action automatically calculate maximally available memory for maven process
This code is made available under the MIT license. Details here.