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ver 1.1

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@LittleAtariXE LittleAtariXE released this 07 Jan 15:22
· 1 commit to master since this release
  • New payload building system: Now it's time to come up with something... :)
  • Added payload module: PS_DeliverObf - An obfuscated PowerShell payload with configurable options.
  • Added payload module: PyReverse - A reverse shell written in Python for both Windows and Linux.
  • Added main template: Worm Arkanoid - Enables the creation of DLL files with PowerShell payloads. Additionally, an EXE file is generated to call the payload function. The DLL libraries can be used in any other code.
  • Improved raw message handling from sockets: A message buffer was introduced to prevent the screen from being flooded with hundreds of single-character messages. See CONFIG.INI for more details.
  • New functionality: Automatically prepares a directory with only the necessary files for the worm to operate. If the worm requires several files, a folder with the worm's name is created, containing only the essential files.
  • Bug fixes: Addressed numerous small and significant issues.