A CASIO fx-ES PLUS series calculator emulator for TI-83 Plus series calculator.
NOTE: This program is still under developmenting.
The goal of this program is to emulate an Lapis LSI named ML610901, which is used by CASIO fx-ES PLUS series scientific calculators, on a TI-83 Plus series calculator.
Currently the target is only TI-83 Plus and its monochrome variants.
This project is still under developmenting
Since the ROMs of CASIO fx-ES PLUS calculators are copyrighted by CASIO, I can't place ROM here and you need to build the application by yourself.
This project is still under developmenting on and cannot be built currently
You will need fasmg to build this application.
- If you are a user who has any question about this project, feel free to send me PMs on Cemetech or open an issue here
- If you are a developer and wants to contribute to this project, just open an issue or a pull request
- Also check out this post on Cemetech
- Zeroko for overall program structure
- calc84maniac for their look-up table idea
- Tari for variable/application data structure information
- fghsgh for helps on memory stuff, and fasmg information
- jacobly for his fasmg header files
- LogicalJoe for fasmg stuff
- Cemetech for providing such an amazing calculator community
- You for using this program
- The vector table is finished
- Overall structure of the emulator had been worked out
- Some of the memory functions are tested to work
- Switched to fasmg
- Savestate functions and workRAM-related stuffs are working properly
You can use my code for your non-commercial stuff as long as you keep a link to this repository.
You should ask the respective authors of these not-written-by-me code for permissions:
- fasmg_inc by jacobly0
- ti83plusg_.inc by fghsgh (in Cemetech chat)
routine by calc84maniac- code for swapping two chunks of memory by jacobly0 (in Cemetech chat)
im not familiar with z80 assembly nor git nor github nor English pls do not blame me if i did silly things sobs