git clone ssh:// -b master|prod|preprod libertic.event cd libertic.event python -dc buildout-(dev/prod).cfg bin/buildout -vvvvvNc -dc buildout-(dev/prod).cfg
Before doing anything in your project just after being installed, just source the environment file in your current shell:
source $MT/zope/libertic.event/sys/share/minitage/minitage.env # env file is generated with $MT/bin/paster create -t minitage.instances.env libertic.event
export MT=/minitage mkdir $MT -pv $MT/zope $MT/minilays cd $MT wget -O chmod +x git clone ssh:// $MT/zope/libertic.event # or git clone ssh:// -b prod $MT/zope/libertic.event-prod # or git clone ssh:// -b preprod $MT/zope/libertic.event-preprod ln -sfv $MT/zope/libertic.event*/*minilay $MT/minilays/libertic $MT/ deploy libertic.event # or $MT/ deploy libertic.event-prod # or $MT/ deploy libertic.event-preprod
To make your application safe for production, run the (minitage.)buildout-prod.cfg
It extends this one with additionnal crontabs and backup scripts and some additionnal instances creation.
In production we use supervisor to manage processes.
Those processes are managed via supervisor (the only init script you add to your system init):
- zeo
- haproxy (loadbalancer)
- instance1 (plone)
- instance-worker (asynchron jobs runner)
We also add crons to backup & pack the ZODB each night
Love to know that Minitage support includes xml libs, ldap, dbs; python, dependencies & common eggs cache for things like lxml or Pillow), subversion & much more.
|-- etc/base.cfg -> The base buildout |-- buildout-prod.cfg -> buildout for production |-- buildout-dev.cfg -> buildout for development |-- etc/minitage/minitage.cfg -> some buildout tweaks to run in the best of the world with minitage |-- minitage.buildout-prod.cfg -> buildout for production with minitage support |-- minitage.buildout-dev.cfg -> buildout for development with minitage support
In etc/base.cfg
, we extends directly plone release versions & sources files.
- Think you have the most important sections of this buildout configuration in etc/libertic.event.cfg
Set the project developement specific settings there
etc/project/ |-- libertic.event.cfg -> your project needs (packages, sources, products) |-- sources.cfg -> externals sources of your project: | - Sources not packaged as python eggs. | - Eggs Grabbed from svn, add here your develoment eggs. | - Links to find distributions. |-- patches.cfg -> patches used on the project |-- cluster.cfg -> define new zope instances here & also their FileSystemStorage if any. |-- libertic.event-kgs.cfg -> Generated KGS for your project (minitage's printer or buildout.dumppickledversion) `-- versions.cfg -> minimal version pinning for installing your project
etc/init.d/ -> various init script (eg supervisor) etc/logrotate.d/ -> various logrotate configuration files etc/sys/ |-- high-availability.cfg -> Project production settings like supervision, loadbalancer and so on |-- maintenance.cfg -> Project maintenance settings (crons, logs) `-- settings.cfg -> various settings (crons hours, hosts, installation paths, ports, passwords)
We generate two virtualhosts for a cliassical apache setup, mostly ready but feel free to copy/adapt.
etc/apache/ |-- 100-libertic.event.reverseproxy.conf -> a vhost for ruse with a standalone plone (even with haproxy in front of.) `-- apache.cfg etc/templates/apache/ |-- -> Template for a vhost for ruse with a standalone plone (even with haproxy in front of.)
- In settings.cfg you have now some settings for declaring which host is your reverse proxy backend & the vhost mounting:
- hosts:zope-front / ports:zope-front -> zope front backend
- reverseproxy:host / reverseproxy:port / reverseproxy:mount-point -> host / port / mountpoint on the reverse proxy)
etc/templates/ |-- balancer.conf.template -> haproxy template. | Copy or ln the generated file 'etc/loadbalancing/balancer.conf' to your haproxy installation if any. `-- logrotate.conf.template -> logrotate configuration file template for your Zope logs `-- supervisor.initd -> template for supervisor init script