Departement of Mathematics and Informatics cloud based storage server.
The API Documentation contains all the APIs this server offers.
This is a Laravel project, so you can find the requirements on Laravel Official Documentation - server requirements.
Check also the backup package requirements.
Clone or download this repository:
$ git clone
Run composer update:
$ composer update
Generate the key:
$ php artisan key:generate
Create a mySQL database:
CREATE DATABASE dmi_storage_db
Copy .env.example in .env and set your db credentials and your smtp configurations
$ cp .env.example .env
Run the migrations:
$ php artisan migrate
Run initialize the passport clients
$ php artisan passport:install
Start a Laravel development server:
$ php artisan serve
Add the following project cronjob to the crontab:
* * * * * cd /path-to-your-project && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
Now you're ready to use our cloud!
Note: the root htaccess will fix a passport bug in apache2 servers
Here's a list of rules that keep the work flow clean and the code maintainable.
Branching Strategy: GitHub Flow
Semantic Versioning: SemVer
Coding Standars: PSR-1
Coding Style: PSR-2
Notes: I strongly recommend to use php-cs-fixer to automatically make your code compliant with PSR-1 & PSR-2
Commit standard: Our project commits have a title and a body. The title must complete correctly the following sentence:
If I pull this commit, I will ... [Commit title]
Leave one line below the title and write a coincise body that shortly describe what did you do.
- Courses contains Folders
- Folders contains Files and Subfolders
- Folder and subfolders are in the same level, the database logic will manage the structure.
- Courses, Folders and Files are readable without authentication.
- Users can choose to sign-up to contribute to the cloud management.
- Every authenticated user can request global permissions to every course.
- Every authenticated user can request both upload and remove permissions to every folder.
- The System Administrator can promote users to admins.
- Admins have full access to everything.
- Admins will accept or deny the users' requests.
The only sensible data stored in our database are the email and the password.
The password will be hashed and salted.
For more infos contact me by email.