This firefox extension can check your website for the most basic security issues and data leaks. It's an easy way to test the basic security of your websites!
Install the extension in firefox: Firefox Add-Ons
Temporary installation:
- Settings
- Debug extension
- New extension -> Open
You can test some features against wackopicko, juice shop. CVEs can be tested against vulhub e.g. confluence.
docker run --rm -p 8080:3000 bkimminich/juice-shop
docker run --rm -p 8080:80 adamdoupe/wackopicko
Try: http://localhost:8080/ afterwards.
: Try to understand the current web service and trigger
the rules that match these application "tags".
: Contains filenames that maybe interessting -> WP-Backups,
: Contains proof of concepts for critical security issues ->
Confluence RCE.
: Contains rules for version grabbing and detecting
vulnerable versions -> Exchange RCE.
: Contains rules for web vulnerabilities based on URL. -> SQLi,
: Contains rules for fuzzing GET and POST params based on
current WebRequest. -> XSS, SQLi.
- Add headers and postJSON for poc.js
- Add response size check to rules
- Change exchange proxyshell detection to passive mode
- Add website detection for big-ip, citrix, cisco, pulse
- Add fuzzing param filter
- Add request limit (timer)
- Add fuzzing for get params
- Refactoring fuzzing (only change one param per request)!
- Wrapper for fetch requests to count
- Test fuzzing form data
- Add securityinfo.txt
- Version detection
- Check for leaky urls in current tab
- Wordpress Version
- PHP Version
- SQL Injection based on Header/Cookies
- IDOR based on GET-Param
- Path traversal
- OS Command Injection (
- Big-IP RCE (
- ManageEngine ADSelfService (
- XSS Tests in GET-Param (tested)
- SQL Injection based on GET-Param (tested)
- SQL Injection Login bypass (JSON, tested)
- Bitbucket RCE (version only, tested)
- Confluence RCE (PoC, tested)
- Exchange Proxyshell (PoC, untested)
- Apache (version only, untested)
- Weblogic Console (PoC, tested)
The CVEs this browser extension can detect: Confluence Server (CVE-2022-26134), Bitbucket Server (CVE-2022-36804), Exchange Server Proxyshell (CVE-2021-34473), Apache (CVE-2021-41773), Weblogic Console (CVE-2020-14882).
zip -r . -x ".*" -x "images/.*"
Version: 1.7
- Fix doublicated requests and messages
Version: 1.6
- Fix version detection rules
- Configure attack rules with checkboxes
- Faster requests (less requests with rule checkboxes)
Version: 1.5
- Improved detection of SQL injection
- Improved global request timer
Version: 1.4
- Improve visuals of script kitty activity
- Leaks added: SQL backup, git credentials, backup files, etc
Version: 1.3
- Subdomain detection added
- Browser notification added
- Fixed fuzzing engine for post params
- Cat images changed to a lovely kitty
- Untested PoCs added
Version: 1.2
- License changed to Mozilla Public License 2.0 because its not allowed to use logo / visuals
- Fixing the root urls if a port is specified -> Tested RCE: Weblogic Console (CVE-2020-14882)
- Changing the interface from panel in background to icon and full background page
Source Code is under Mozilla Public License 2.0
All rights reserved for the plugin name, artworks, logo and images (all cat images)!
Copyright 1337core, 2022