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ImgCache - Homework

Image resize microservice. Learning nodejs and typescript.


  • 3 resize strategies: [COVER | FIT | STRETCH] Which respectively try to cover the given dimensions, fit into them, or stretch to match the aspect ratio.
  • Support for multiple edge cases in input files. Examples bundled.
    • special characters: cu spații & diacritice.jpg
    • multiple formats, even transparency: fsm.png. Can technically support all formats supported by graphicsmagick if not for extension whitelist.
    • Extension whitelist
    • subfolders in source directory: subfolder/imagine.jpg
    • Invalidate cache on original file mtime changes
    • both .jpeg and .jpg extensions supported
  • docker setup
  • Resized file caching
  • Http cache headers also offered by framework.
  • Stateless operation. Multiple instances can work with the same sources and cache directories.
  • Resized files are cached based on actual size, not requested size. This makes it that resizing using FIT or COVER strategies which preserve aspect ratio don't present the chance of ignoring an available cached dimension.
  • some naive unit tests
  • stats page and monitoring

It doesn't do:

  • Automatic cache eviction, but the CacheGateway interface setter signature does contain ttl parameter for implementing it on a separate gateway.

// Todo:

  • simple rate limiting
  • rate limit for cache fails might also be feasible


The application has limited attack vectors. Besides potential exploits found in the expressJs framework the application offers as little surface area for potential hackers as possible:

  • Input parameters:
    • /static/* files - must match existing files which MUST be inside the ./static folder
    • size - parameter is checked for
      • length
      • structure (regex)
      • content - MAX size is configurable
    • If-None-Match http parameter - used internally by expressJs for etag matching
  • As little info to attackers as possible. Errors shown to users contain no sensitive data.
  • Input files are read-only from the application's perspective

Additionally some additional protections can be put in place to mitigate DOS risks based on client behavior. * Same ip should not ignore cache-control: max-age headers excessively if set. * Same ip should not ask for an absurd number of different image sizes, eg: 100x100, 100x101, 100x102. etc.


The application leverages expressJs middleware-centered architecture

URLs look like http://localhost:8888/static/bh.jpg?size=2000x2000

The /static part triggers the image resizing controller

The size parameter must obey configuration MAX_SIZE value, currently {width: 9999, height: 9999}

Images are NOT enlarged no mater what. If asking for a resolution larger than the original, the original is served instead.

Building on the behavior above, not specifying the size parameter is operationally equivalent to asking for size 9999x9999

Images are looked up in the folder specified by the STATIC_PATH env variable and cached under the folder specified by the CACHE_PATH env variable

Images are resized first (if needed) and only afterwards is the buffer written to the cache.

The current (basic) implementation of a cache gateway saves files under a hierarchy similar to the source files.

Source Cache
/webroot/static/test.jpg /webroot/cache/test.jpg/100x100.jpg
/webroot/static/test.jpeg /webroot/cache/test.jpeg/100x100.jpeg
/webroot/static/subfolder/test.png /webroot/cache/subfolder/test.png/100x100.png

The arrangement above makes it so that cache can be deleted on a per-file basis.

Basic usage

Step 1 - Build the image

Run from repository directory:

sudo docker build -t homework .

Step 2 - Run image

sudo docker run \
    --publish 8888:80 \
    --env CACHE_PATH=/var/www/imgcache/cache \
    --env STATIC_PATH=/var/www/imgcache/static \
    --env NODE_ENV=production \
    --env PORT=80 \
    --volume `pwd`/static:/var/www/imgcache/static \

Step 3 - Check results

Open a web browser, curl or wget the application: http://localhost:8888/static/bh.jpg?size=2000x2000

Swarm usage

  • Build the image
sudo docker run \
    --publish 8888:80 \
    --env CACHE_PATH=/var/www/imgcache/cache \
    --env STATIC_PATH=/var/www/imgcache/static \
    --env NODE_ENV=production \
    --env PORT=80 \
    --volume `pwd`/static:/var/www/imgcache/static \
  • Run from repository directory:
    sudo docker build -t homework .
  • Initialize swarm mode
    sudo docker swarm init
  • Deploy 'homework' stack
    sudo docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml homework
  • Check results
  • Log into grafana - http://localhost:3003
    • user: root
    • password: root
  • Import the supplied dashboard ./docker/grafana.json

Testing the application

The application is covered by a small test suite. You can run the test suite by running npm test inside the running container.

Use sudo docker ps to get the running container name and then run
sudo docker container exec -it <containerName> npm test


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