Hi there 👋
I'm LAIPELIKA Dufresnes Lancaster, a student at the University of Toamasina pursuing a degree in Computer Engineering within the MiA (Mathematics and Computer Science) program. In addition to my academic studies, I have also received training at SAYNA, where I developed strong web development skills.
📚 Education: Currently studying Computer Engineering from the University of Toamasina.
🌱 Skills and Training:
# Web Development: Trained at SAYNA, specializing in front-end and back-end technologies.
# Programming Languages: Proficient in Java, C++, C, HTML & CSS, PHP.
# Database Administration: Experienced in managing databases with MySQL.
# Modeling Techniques: Skilled in using MERISE and UML for system modeling and design.
🔭 Looking to Collaborate: I'm eager to collaborate on diverse projects to challenge myself and grow as a developer. I welcome any opportunities for collaboration and innovation.
📫 Contact Me: Feel free to reach out to me at Lancs0022@gmail.com.
--> To the pleasure of exchanging and/or callaborating together <--