- 💻
Using ArchLinux/NixOS and KDE Plasma.Now changed to MacOS. - 🏆 Have experience in OI(Olympiad in Informatics).
- 📝 Regularly write articles about algorithm and number theory.
- 🧑💻 Researching Functional-Programming and Programming Language Theory.
- 🖥️ YanJi/燕几图 / Programming Language Designer
- 🖥️ PLCT Lab / Internship Student Mentor
- 🖥️ MoonBit/IDEA / Previously worked
- 🖥️ Loro / Previously worked
- ⚙️ MoonBit/Core / Collaborator
- ⚙️ Serein / Leader & Major Maintainer
- ⚙️ PureEval / Leader & Major Maintainer
- ⚙️ VoxelGeometry / Major Maintainer
- ⚙️ Node / Contributors
- ⚙️ OI-Wiki / Contributors