Under construction, - srvctl is a containerfarm-manager for microsite hosting webservers with fedora as the host operating system. It will help to set up, maintain, and to let a couple of servers work together in order to have solid web-serving services. Version 3 is remake in core mostly using systemd tools, thus using systemd-nspawn as the containerfarm manager. Written in the mix of bash and javascript, a modular design allows to extend it with programs. Basically it is a collection of scripts, and fast scripts.
How it works: After installation there should be a main-command available called srvctl or in short sc. This will trigger srvctl scripts, and process srvctl-commands, with their arguments. Goal is to make easy to use, and easy to remember human-friendly command sets for daily usage. Primary goal is managment of a web-hosting server and containerfarm that hosts microsites.
Installation: Srvctl 3 is designed for a standard fedora server edition. It may work on similar distros. Containers may use other distributions. A srvctl host as part of a cluster should have glusterfs for data storage. While installing your operating system, create:
- 2GiB XFS partition mounted on /glu/srvctl-data, that will store certificates, passwords, and other sensitive data.
- 500GiB XFS partition mounted on /glu/srvtl-storage, preferably on a seperate drive for data storage, such as static file service or ftp.
- /var/log
- /home, separate partitions for directories so that the primary root partition wont get full at any time.
- /srv, this will be our main directory for containers, therefore it should be a big and fast SSD.
Users and UID/GID numbers have to be consistent across the clustered servers, therefore, don't create any users outside of srvctl. Setting a hostname is mandatory. Needless to say, you mostly have to operate as root. Also, correct DNS entries (forward and reverse) and NTP are essential.
As root, clone the repo and create some symlinks for it.
dnf -y install git
cd /usr/local/share
git clone https://github.com/LaKing/srvctl.git && bash srvctl/srvctl.sh
At this point the srvctl command should be ready to be used. To use srvctl as a containerfarm host, the common configuration data has to be written using the JSON format. You may refer to the example-configs.
cp -R /usr/local/share/srvctl/example-conf/data /etc/srvctl
Most static configuration files reside in /etc/srvctl. Data is stored in BASH formatted, sourcable variable description files, and in JSON files. The datastore module saves configuration informations, and gluster can be used to sync the data across servers. Servers can interact with each other over VPN, and containers are on an internal network:
In srvctl3 we use a single class A network 10.x.x.x for communication of containers and hosts. Each server has to have a unique HOSTNET id between 16..255 for the server cluster. By convention, each host should be prefixed with a two digit host identifier in your company domain hostname. - - reserved for external networks and openvpn connections outside of srvctl 10.15.x.y - reserved for openvpn hostnet-network - connections from host to host. Openvpn connections created from every server to every server, thus x is the server hostnet y the client hostnet on a particlar host.
We can divide users and assign them to resellers, so we should.
Using srvctl
Some applications controlled by srvctl need to use certificates in order to communicate securly. Therefore it is recommended to use a host, or better said dedicate a host as CA.
The update_install process can be, and eventually has to be run over and over. The srvctl scripts generate configuration files.
Experts may run certain functions in the context of srvctl, that means with internal variables and settings srvctl exec-function SRVCTL_FUNCTION
The main datastore functions may be accessed directly, so instead of writing srvctl exec-function out host t1.test.vm .. it is possible to write directly srvctl out host t1.test.vm
The datastore
Srvctl maintains configuration data in json files. These files may reside at the following locations /etc/srvctl/data - static configuration files /var/srvctl3/datastore - readwrite gluster data volume (/var/srvctl3/gluster/srvctl-data as readonly fallback)
Accessing the VE
There are several options for users to access their VE.
- ssh to host, from there to the VE
- ssh to the host and use a container share point
- ssh directly to the VE, for example "ssh charlie_charlie-one.ve_root@ -p 2222" Note the USER_VE_VEUSER syntax.
Mailing is enabled by default, but mailing should be seperated to containers, thus create containers with the mail. subdomain-prefix to have a dedicated MX.
srvctl COMMAND [arguments]
add-codepad Add a codepad fedora container.
Generic container for software developmen.
Contains all packages for collaborative software development.
add-fedora Add a fedora container.
Generic container for customization.
Contains basic packages.
add-mail Add a mailing container.
Mail container for pop3/imap6smtp access.
Contains dovecot, postfix.
add-ve Add a standard fedora container, alias of add-fedora
Generic container for customization.
This command is an alias for add-fedora.
destroy-ve Delete container with all its files
Delete all files and all records regarding the VE.
exec-all Execute a command on all running containers.
In some cases it might come handy to run a single command on all containers.
map-port Map a tcp port to the host.
Mapping container tcp or udp ports directly to the host.
Port number must be between 1 and 65535
regenerate Update configuration settings.
Get all modules to write and overwrite config files with the actual configurations.
The argument all-hosts makes the command perform on all hosts.
The regenerate rootfs command rebuilds the container base images.
status List container statuses
http-redirect Redirect http traffic of a given VE to a given URL or protocol
Place a redirect rule on the VE within the proxy configuration. IPv4 only, on the default port.
The URL should contain the protocol and/or the domain name.
If neither a keyword nor an URL is given the redirect is removed.
If the keyword is 'none' the redirect is removed as well.
https-redirect Redirect https traffic of a given VE to a given URL or protocol
Place a redirect rule on the VE within the proxy configuration. IPv4 only, on the default port.
The URL should contain the protocol and/or the domain name.
If neither a keyword nor an URL is given the redirect is removed.
If the keyword is 'none' the redirect is removed as well.
install-odoo Run scripts that install odoo community and it's basic dependencies.
Install the odoo ERP and CRM system.
Community version, installer by m1r0.
fix-saslauthd restart saslauthd
This command restarts saslauthd to fix mailing.
It is temporary..
customize Create/edit a custom command.
It is possible to create a custom command in ~/srvctl-includes
A custom command should have a name, and will contain a blank help:
This command does something custom, like running a bash script.
It might be customized further, depending on the author.
diagnose First-aid diagnoistic command.
Set of troubleshooting commands, that include information about:
srvctl version and variables
system/kernel version
boot configs
inactive services listed in srvctl
postfix fatal errors since yesterday
the mail que
firewall settings
table of processes
connected shell users
To flush the mail que, use: postqueue -f
To remove all mail from the mail que use: postsuper -d ALL
fix-sshd Fixing sshd permissions on keyfiles.
A temporary script to fix sshd permissions on keyfiles.
ls List all files recursive, sorted by last modified date
List all files recursive, sorted by last modified date
update-install Run the installation/update script.
Update/Install all components.
On host systems install the containerfarm. and additionally use [HOSTNAME] as additional argument to select a host from a cluster.
version List software versions installed.
Contact the package manager, and query important packages
add-publickey Add an ssh publickey to the current cluster
Create the file as user defined publickey in the current cluster datastore and save it on the system.
Without argiument, the command will open the mcedit program, so the key can be pasted inside.
add-reseller Add user as reseller to the host cluster
Add user to the current cluster datastore and create it on the system.
users will have default passwords, certificates, etc, ..
add-user Add user to the current cluster
Create the user in the current cluster datastore and create it on the system.
users will have default passwords, certificates, etc, ..
change-user Move container to a different user
Move container to be owned by a different user. This invoves a change in the IP adress, thus requires a restart of the container.
add-user Add user to the container
Add user to the container, so that they have their own files, email accouns, and so on.
users will have a default password, and a directory structure in the container home.
status List container status parameters
install-wordpress Run scripts that install wordpress and it's basic dependencies.
Install the wordpress dependencies.
[ srvctl-devel ] ## srvctl-