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Vincent Agent Wallet System Documentation

Table of Contents

  1. Architecture Overview
  2. Key Components
  3. How It Works
  4. Why It's Secure
  5. Lit vs. Turnkey
  6. Public APIs
  7. Consent Page Implementation
  8. App Management Functions
  9. Payment Delegation DB Setup
  10. Setting Up the Backend for an API

Architecture Overview

The Vincent Agent Wallet system is a decentralized permission management framework designed to allow applications (Apps) to request and manage user permissions securely. It uses an on-chain AgentPKP (Public Key Pair) registry and an off-chain App Registry backend. The system leverages blockchain technology (Yellowstone) and Lit Protocol for secure key management and execution, ensuring users maintain control over their permissions while developers can manage their Apps efficiently.

Key Components

AgentPKP (On-Chain Agent Registry)

  • Manages user-approved permissions for Apps
  • Structure: AgentPKP → Apps → Roles → Tools → Policies
  • Stores flattened tool-policy pairs approved by users via the Consent Page
  • Controlled by the User Admin PKP, allowing updates like enabling/disabling Apps, Roles, or Tools

App Registry (On-Chain)

  • Tracks delegatee addresses for Apps, managed by the App's Management Wallet
  • Ensures only authorized delegatees can execute Tools on behalf of users

App Registry (Off-Chain/Backend)

  • Stores App metadata, Roles, Tools, and Policy schemas in a database
  • Provides versioning for Roles and Tools, enabling updates and notifications
  • Exposes APIs for App registration, Role/Tool management, and Consent Page data retrieval

Consent Page

  • A user-facing interface where permissions (Tools and Policies) are approved
  • Displays App metadata and requested Roles/Tools from the App Registry
  • Facilitates transaction signing with the User PKP and gas sponsorship via a Relayer


  • Sponsors gas costs (Yellowstone) and Lit payments for user transactions
  • Uses capability delegation to enable seamless execution

How It Works

Developer Flow

  1. Developers register an App with a unique Management Wallet and define metadata (name, description, etc.)
  2. They create Tools (with IPFS-hosted Lit Actions and Policy schemas) and compose them into Roles
  3. Role and Tool versions are tracked off-chain; updates create new versions without altering existing ones
  4. The App integrates with the Consent Page, passing appManagementAddress and roleIds in URL parameters

User Flow

  1. Users access the Consent Page via an App, review requested Tools/Policies, and adjust Policy variables
  2. Approval triggers a transaction signed by the User PKP, sponsored by the Relayer, writing permissions to the Agent Registry
  3. Users can later manage permissions (disable Apps/Roles/Tools) via a dashboard


  • Delegatees (approved by the App) use session signatures to execute Tools, validated against the Agent Registry
  • Lit Protocol ensures secure signing and execution of Tool Lit Actions

Why It's Secure

  • User Control: The User PKP is the sole admin of the Agent Registry, ensuring only the user can approve or revoke permissions
  • Immutable Permissions: On-chain data is flattened and immutable once written, preventing unauthorized changes
  • Lit Protocol: Uses threshold cryptography and decentralized key management, eliminating single points of failure compared to centralized solutions like Turnkey
  • Delegatee Verification: Only addresses approved by the App's Management Wallet can execute Tools, enforced on-chain
  • Versioning: Off-chain versioning ensures transparency and allows users to review updates, with notifications for changes
  • Gas Sponsorship: The Relayer's JIT sponsorship prevents users from needing to manage gas, reducing attack vectors while maintaining security via capability delegation

Lit vs. Turnkey

Lit Protocol

  • Decentralized: Keys are split across a network of nodes using threshold cryptography
  • Flexibility: Supports programmable Lit Actions for custom logic (e.g., Tools + Policies)
  • Security: No single entity controls keys; user PKPs are user-owned and managed via AuthMethods
  • Cost: Requires Lit payments, offset by Relayer sponsorship in this system for the user


  • Centralized: Relies on a trusted third-party service to manage keys
  • Simplicity: Easier to integrate for basic use cases but lacks programmability
  • Security Trade-off: Centralized control introduces a single point of failure and trust dependency
  • Cost: Typically subscription-based, potentially higher for complex workflows

Why Lit?: Vincent prioritizes decentralization, user sovereignty, and programmable flexibility, making Lit the better fit over Turnkey's centralized model.

Public APIs

App Registration

POST /api/v1/registerApp

Description: Registers a new App with a unique Management Wallet.


  • signedMessage (string, required): SIWE-signed message with App Management Wallet
  • appName (string, required): Name of the App
  • appDescription (string, required): Description of the App
  • email (string, required): Contact email for the developer team
  • domain (string, optional): App domain (v2)
  • logo (string, optional): App logo URL (v2)


  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "appManagementAddress": "string",
    "appName": "string",
    "logo": "string"

Fetch App Metadata

GET /api/v1/appMetadata

Description: Retrieves metadata for an App, used in Consent Page or dashboards.


  • appManagementAddress (string, required): Unique App identifier


  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "appManagementAddress": "string",
    "appName": "string",
    "logo": "string"

Update App Metadata

PUT /api/v1/updateApp

Description: Updates App metadata.


  • signedMessage (string, required): SIWE-signed message with Management Wallet
  • appManagementAddress (string, required): Must match registered appId
  • appName (string, required)
  • appDescription (string, required)
  • email (string, required)
  • domain (string, optional, v2)
  • logo (string, optional, v2)


  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "appManagementAddress": "string"

Create Role

POST /api/v1/createRole

Description: Creates a new Role for an App with Tool-Policy pairs.


  • signedMessage (string, required): SIWE-signed message with Management Wallet
  • appManagementAddress (string, required): Must match registered appId
  • roleName (string, required): Name of the Role
  • roleDescription (string, required): Description of the Role
  • toolPolicy (JSON array, required):
    • tool: { toolId: string, ipfsCid: string }
    • policy: { policyId: string, ipfsCid: string, schema: [{ paramId: string, paramName: string, type: string, defaultValue: any }] }


  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "appManagementAddress": "string",
    "roleId": "string",
    "roleVersion": "init",
    "lastUpdated": "ISODate"

Get Role

GET /api/v1/role

Description: Retrieves details of a specific Role.


  • appManagementAddress (string, required)
  • roleId (string, required)


  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "roleId": "string",
    "roleVersion": "string",
    "toolPolicy": [
        "tool": { "toolId": "string", "ipfsCid": "string" },
        "policy": {
          "policyId": "string",
          "ipfsCid": "string",
          "schema": [{ "paramId": "string", "paramName": "string", "type": "string", "defaultValue": "any" }]

Update Role

PUT /api/v1/updateRole

Description: Updates a Role with a new version.

Parameters: Same as POST /api/v1/createRole, plus:

  • roleId (string, required)
  • roleVersion (string, required): Developer-defined version name


  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "appManagementAddress": "string",
    "roleId": "string",
    "roleVersion": "string"

Fetch All Roles for an App

GET /api/v1/roles

Description: Retrieves all Roles for an App.


  • appId (string, required)

Response: Array of Role objects (see GET /api/v1/role response)

Consent Page Implementation

Integration Steps

  1. Button Setup:

    • Add a "Sign with Vincent" or "Create Vincent Agent Wallet" button in your App
    • On click, open a new tab with the Consent Page URL:{appId}&roleIds={roleId1},{roleId2}
  2. Data Fetching: The Consent Page queries:

    • GET /api/v1/appMetadata for App info
    • GET /api/v1/role for each roleId to display Tools/Policies
  3. User Interaction:

    • Users review Tools and adjust Policy variables (default values from schema)
    • (v2) Users can disable specific Tools
  4. Transaction Signing:

    • User selects an AuthMethod to generate a pkpSessionSig
    • The Consent Page crafts an addRole() transaction, estimates gas, and signs it with pkpSign
    • Relayer provides capabilityDelegationAuthSig and calls /send-txsponsorAndBroadcast to execute
  5. On-Chain Update:

    • Permissions are written to the Agent Registry as flattened Tool-Policy pairs

App Management Functions

Add/Remove Delegatees

On-Chain (App Registry): Management Wallet calls AppRegistry.addDelegatee(address) or AppRegistry.removeDelegatee(address) to update delegateeAddresses.

Solidity Example:

function addDelegatee(address delegatee) public {
  require(msg.sender == managementWallet, "Only management wallet");

Disable Apps/Roles/Tools

User Dashboard:

  • Query AgentRegistry.agents[agentPkpTokenId].appAddresses and set enabled=false for an App
  • Disable specific Roles or Tools via signed transactions updating enabled fields

Payment Delegation DB Setup

  1. Initialize Database:

    • Store App Management Wallet, delegatee addresses, and payment delegation records
    • Schema: { appManagementAddress: string, managementWallet: address, delegatees: address[], paymentDetails: { gasLimit: uint, litPayment: uint } }
  2. Relayer Integration:

    • Configure Relayer to read from the DB and sponsor gas/Lit payments for delegatee actions
    • Use capabilityDelegationAuthSig for JIT sponsorship
  3. Management:

    • Management Wallet updates delegatee payment records via signed transactions

Setting Up the Backend for an API


  • Node.js
  • MongoDB (or similar DB)
  • IPFS client
  • Yellowstone RPC endpoint
  • Lit SDK


  1. Database Setup:

    • Define schemas for App, Role, RoleVersion, Tool, ToolVersion (see interfaces above)
    • Enforce unique constraints on managementWallet and appId
  2. API Routes:

    • Use Express.js (or similar) to implement the public APIs
    • Validate signedMessage with SIWE library to authenticate Management Wallet
  3. IPFS Integration:

    • Store Tool and Policy code in IPFS, return CIDs in API responses
  4. Notifications:

    • On Role/Tool version updates, queue push notifications (e.g., via Firebase) to affected users
  5. Security:

    • Rate-limit APIs, validate all inputs, and use HTTPS

Example (Pseudo-code)

const express = require('express');
const { siwe } = require('siwe');
const app = express();'/api/v1/registerApp', async (req, res) => {
  const { signedMessage, appName, appDescription, email } = req.body;
  const { address } = await siwe.verify(signedMessage);
  const appId = generateAppId();
  await db.apps.insert({ appId, managementWallet: address, name: appName, description: appDescription, email });
  res.json({ success: true, data: { appId, appName } });
