Python utility to generate a bad pixel mask from a set of calibration images.
Authors: Matt Daily, Raleigh Littles, Curtis McCully
This package is available via PyPi, and can be installed via pip:
pip3 install lco-bpm-maker
To install the tool, clone this repository and run:
cd pixel-mask-gen
python3 install
To run the unit tests, simply run:
python3 test
Once you've installed the tool, it can be run simply by:
usage: lco_bpm_maker [-h] [--log-level {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}]
[--dark-current-threshold DARK_CURRENT_THRESHOLD]
[--flat-sigma-threshold FLAT_SIGMA_THRESHOLD]
[--bias-sigma-threshold BIAS_SIGMA_THRESHOLD]
input_directory output_directory
Create a bad pixel mask from a set of calibration frames.
positional arguments:
input_directory Input directory of calibration images
output_directory Output directory for bad pixel mask
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Logging level to be displayed
--dark-current-threshold DARK_CURRENT_THRESHOLD
Threshold for pixel dark current when flagging bad
pixels in dark frames. Pixels above this will be
flagged. Default = 20 [electrons/second]
--flat-sigma-threshold FLAT_SIGMA_THRESHOLD
Number of standard deviations from the median of the
combined flat image for a pixel to be flagged. Default = 10
--bias-sigma-threshold BIAS_SIGMA_THRESHOLD
Number of standard deviations from the median of the
combined bias image for a pixel to be flagged. Default = 10
--fpack Flag to fpack output BPM