#Clone todo
###Description: A todo application for CloneOS with a powerful wildcard ability. This program is good for reminders that happen over a longer peroid of time but occur by some pattern. For example getting a reminder to pay rent the third of every month.
####Wildcards: Year, month, day, hour, or minute can all be designated as a "wildcard" which means that that field can have any value.
- Basic algorithm for calculating soonest alarm
- GUI List containing different alarms to select
- GUI item to modify alarms
- Ability to save alarms
- Buttons to add and remove alarms
- Make the Alarm List Scrollable
####Short Term
- Make Clone todo schedule alarms with cron
- Write a script for cron to run when an alarm goes off
- Thoroughly test ScheduledAlarm
- Have Clone todo save and load alarms
- Fix various GUI bugs
####Long Term
- Allow even more freedom when making the alarm (ie day of -1 to represent the last day of the previous month)
- Allow alarms to utilize days of the week