Importable mostly 'pure' ES helper methods.
Use npm install purehelpers
Or download files to your computer. After downloading
within the download directory, open a cmd window and start npm install
Now the file PureHelpers.js
is the main file to use. For example:
const helpers = require("[]PureHelpers").import("randomString, numberBetween".split(","), {});
Number.prototype.between = function (min, max) { return helpers.numberBetween(this, min, max); }
// etc.
Note: a non existing method will translate to a method returning an error string.
Build.js contains:
- Tests for all methods
- A method to export only the methods to PureHelpers.js (the entry point of this library)
- A method to create a from the description property in each method object
Use node build test
to test, node build createjs
to (re)build PureHelpers.js
,node build readme
to (re)create and node build all
to do it all.
Note: in case of building the js-file the tests are run first. If one or more of the tests fail, PureHelpers.js will not be created.
Parameters prefix = "", minRandomNumberValue = 10000, maxRandomNumberValue = 10000000
It creates a random (hex) number string, possibly preceded with a prefix
Returns String
Parameters nValues, maxRandomValue
It retrieves an Array
of [nValues
] unique (pseudo) random number values from 1 to [maxRandomValue
Returns Array
Parameters collection = [], callback = el => el, shouldMutate = false
It loops Array
or ArrayLike
collection and applies callback
to each element.
Looping by default does not change the collection ([shouldMutate = false]
: the collection, array or arraylike (e.g. document.querySelectorAll('#somediv'))
: the method to apply to each element of the collection
: mutate the original collection or deliver a new collection
Returns Array
= false) or nothing (shouldMutate
= true)
Parameters modifiers
It returns a regular expression for all diacritical characters.
: use know RegEx modifiers if applicable (e.g. "im"
or "gi"
Returns this Regex
Parameters string2Repeat, n2Repeat
It returns a String
where [string2Repeat
] is repeated [n2Repeat
] times.
Note: ES>6 contains a native String.prototype.repeat
Parameters postcodeStringCandidate, postalCodeFormat = "nnnnaa"
It checks a postal (aka zip-) code [postcodeStringCandidate
] to be valid vis a vis [postalCodeFormat
Postal code should consist of numbers and/or alphanumeric characters (like "123 ZX"
] can contain spaces or hyphens.
] is a string where n
signifies a number, and a
an alphanumeric character.
Default is "nnnnaa"
(dutch postal code format).
checkPostalCode('9822 AA'); //=> true
checkPostalCode('982234 N'); //=> false
checkPostalCode('982234-N', 'nnnnnna'); //=> true
checkPostalCode('98 Z-12B', 'nnanna'); //=> true
Returns Boolean
Parameters emailValueCandidate
It checks syntactic validity of email address [emailValueCandidate
Note: this will not absolutely guarantee the address validity. It's a sloppy first check.
The only 100% guaranteed verification of an e-mail address is to send a mail to it.
checkEmailValidity(''); //=> true
checkEmailValidity('I-Am-Ëmá'); //=> true
checkEmailValidity(''); //=> false
Returns Boolean
Parameters string2Cleanup, keepCRLF = false
It removes extra whitespace from [string2Cleanup
] or extra whitespace except CR/LF (\n
) with [keepCRLF === true
NOTE also cleans whitespace within html-tags
free me of all that
whitespace here
`); //=> "free me of all that whitespace here"
free me of all that
whitespace here`, true); //=> "free me of all that\n whitespace here"
Returns String
Parameters inputString, atpos
It determines if the character at [atPos
] within [inputString
] is upper case
returns Boolean
Parameters inputString, atpos
It determines if the character at [atPos
] (zero based) within [inputString
] is lower case
returns Boolean
Parameters string2Truncate, truncateAtPosition, truncateOnWholeWordsOnly
It truncates [string2Truncate
] @ position [truncateAtPosition
if [truncateOnWholeWordsOnly
] is true, string2Truncate
will be truncated right after the last word in the truncated string
truncateString("this is too long", 10); //=> this is to...
truncateString("this is too long", 10, true); //=> this is...
Returns String
Parameters string2Split, splitter
It splits [string2Split
] using [splitter
] and removes empty values from the resulting Array
can be a string value or a regular expression
"some\n\n\nstring".split(/\n/); //=> ["some", "", "", "string"]
splitAndClean("some\n\n\nstring", /\n/); //=> ["some", "string"]
Returns Array
Parameters number
It determines (fast) if [number
] is a prime number
See it in action
Returns Boolean
Parameters hashInput
It deserializes a (url) hash string [hashInput
] to a key-value pair collection
//=> {Country: "Netherlands", Lang: "NL", min: 10, max: 89}
Returns Object
Parameters inputArray
It retrieves unique values from [inputArray
uniqueValuesFromArray([1, 2, 2, 3, "la", 2, 3, 23, 5, 6, 5, "la"]); //=> [ 1, 2, 3, 'la', 23, 5, 6 ]
uniqueValuesFromArray([1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2]); //=> [ 1, 2 ]
returns Array
Parameters number, min, max
It determines if [number
] falls between [min
] and [max
let num = 15;
numberBetween(num, 12, 16); //=> true
numberBetween(num, 16, 20); //=> false
Returns Boolean
Parameters number, base = 10, char = "0"
It left-pads a [number
] with [base
] - [number
].length [char
padLeft(15, 1000, "-"); //-> "--15"
padLeft(15, 1000); //-> "0015"
Returns String
Parameters string2Interpolate, tokens
It is a string templating method, using {[someproperty]} in string and a(n array of) token object(s) to replace [someproperty]
interpolate("Hello {world}", {world: "folks"}); //-> "Hello folks"
interpolate("# Hello {world} ", [{world: "folks"}, {world: "Pete"}]); //-> "# Hello folks # Hello Pete "
You can use it to extend String.prototype:
String.prototype.interpolate = function (tokens) { return interpolate(this, tokens); };
Example usage:
"Hello {world} # ".interpolate([{world: "folks"}, {world: "Pete"}]); //-> "Hello folks # Hello Pete"
Returns String
Parameters dateStringCandidateValue, format = "dmy"
It tries to parse string [dateStringCandidateValue
] into a Date instance using [format
] "dmy" = [d]ate, [m]onth, [y]ear
tryParseDate("07/02/2015", "mdy"); //-> (Date)2015-07-01
Returns a Date
instance or null
if parsing fails