Sherry is a filesharing cloud storage platform that allows it's users to easily upload, share and manage files. Files can be organized with tags or into folders. An advanced search allows the user to quickly search their files, files shared with them, and public files by several conditions.
Sherry requires python and node to run.
In the backend folder, create a python venv using
python -m venv [env name]
Now, using your venv, install requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
When this is done, run the app using the venv
python runserver
In the frontend folder, install the needed packages.
npm i
When this is done, run the frontend with npm
npm start
Alternitivly, build the frontend using
npm run build
Then, serve the app with
npm install -g serve serve -s build
When both the frontend and backend are running, the app is good to use!