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Voice recorder for discord.js

Voice recorder or more like a replay buffer for discord.js. Base functionality is "save last x minutes". The output format can be determined to just be a single .mp3 file or a .zip file that contains one audio track per user.

npm version

Difference to other voice recording solutions

You get the track as you would hear it in the voice channel. It's not just the chunks when someone is talking. => The time when someone is not speaking is added.


  • ffmpeg has to be installed


I suggest not using Windows (or just use WSL). Reason: sodium is cumbersome to install.

How to install

Simply run npm install @kirdock/discordjs-voice-recorder or yarn add @kirdock/discordjs-voice-recorder

How to use

import { VoiceRecorder } from '@kirdock/discordjs-voice-recorder';

const voiceRecorder = new VoiceRecorder();
// optionally provide your Discord client as second parameter in order to have ${username}.mp3 for .zip export rather than ${userId}.mp3

// start recording on a specific connection

// save last 5 minutes as .mp3
await voiceRecorder.getRecordedVoice(yourWriteStream, guildId, 'single', 5);
// {yourWriteStream} can be any writeStream. E.g. response object of express or just fs.createWriteStream('myFile.mp3')

// save last 5 minutes as .zip
await voiceRecorder.getRecordedVoice(yourWriteStream, guildId, 'separate', 5);
// {yourWriteStream} can be any writeStream. E.g. response object of express or just fs.createWriteStream('')

// optionally you can provide a dict {[userId]: volume} to adjust the user volume of specific users
await voiceRecorder.getRecordedVoice(yourWriteStream, guildId, 'single', 5, {['1234567']: 80}); // 80%

// stop recording on a specific connection

Implementation example

Why is voice recording with discord.js such a big pain?

Because Discord just provides audio chunks (20ms per chunk I guess) when a user is speaking. Problems are

  1. We don't have a single track for a voice channel. Each user has its own stream.
  2. We don't have the delay when a user stops and starts speaking again.

=> We have to manually sync the user streams and manually add the delays when a user is speaking.