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Kingjux authored May 6, 2024
1 parent c98e8fb commit 492696a
Showing 1 changed file with 366 additions and 0 deletions.
366 changes: 366 additions & 0 deletions plugins/updates.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
let {
} = require(global.lib_dir || "../lib");
let fs = require("fs");
var sifat = ["Fine", "Unfriendly", "Cute", "Sigma", "Chapri", "Nibba/nibbi", "Annoying", "Dilapidated", "Angry person", "Polite", "Burden", "Great", "Cringe", "Liar"];
var hoby = ["Cooking", "Dancing", "Playing", "Gaming", "Painting", "Helping Others", "Watching anime", "Reading", "Riding Bike", "Singing", "Chatting", "Sharing Memes", "Drawing", "Eating Parents Money", "Playing Truth or Dare", "Staying Alone"];
var cakep = ["Yes", "No", "Very Ugly", "Very Handsome"];
var wetak = ["Caring", "Generous", "Angry person", "Sorry", "Submissive", "Fine", "Im sorry", "Kind Hearted", "Patient", "UwU", "Top", "Helpful"];
var checkme = {};
cmdname: "checkme",
alias: ["aboutme"],
desc: "Check randome information about your character!",
category: "updates",
filename: __filename
}, async (_0x263d98, _0x3610bc) => {
try {
let _0x2126b2 = _0x263d98.sender;
if (_0x263d98.isCreator) {
_0x2126b2 = _0x263d98.reply_message ? _0x263d98.reply_message.sender : _0x263d98.mentionedJid[0] ? _0x263d98.mentionedJid[0] : _0x2126b2;
let _0x32f5f0 = !/fresh|reset|new|why|update/g.test(_0x3610bc) && checkme[_0x2126b2] ? checkme[_0x2126b2] : "*ABOUT @" + _0x2126b2.split("@")[0] + "*\n \n*Name :* " + (await"\n").join(" ") + "\n*Characteristic :* " + sifat[Math.floor(Math.random() * sifat.length)] + "\n*Hobby :* " + hoby[Math.floor(Math.random() * hoby.length)] + "\n*Simp :* " + Math.floor(Math.random() * 101) + "%\n*Great :* " + Math.floor(Math.random() * 101) + "%\n*Handsome :* " + cakep[Math.floor(Math.random() * cakep.length)] + "\n*Character :* " + wetak[Math.floor(Math.random() * wetak.length)] + "\n*Good Morals :* " + Math.floor(Math.random() * 101) + "%\n*Bad Morals :* " + Math.floor(Math.random() * 101) + "%\n*Intelligence :* " + Math.floor(Math.random() * 101) + "%\n*Courage :* " + Math.floor(Math.random() * 101) + "%\n*Afraid :* " + Math.floor(Math.random() * 101) + "%\n \n *aLL BOUT UO*";
checkme[_0x2126b2] = _0x32f5f0;, {
caption: _0x32f5f0,
mentions: [_0x2126b2]
}, {
quoted: _0x263d98
}, "image", await _0x263d98.getpp(_0x2126b2), true);
} catch (_0x3a370c) {
_0x263d98.error(_0x3a370c + "\n\nCommand:aboutme", _0x3a370c, false);

pattern: "cleartmp",
type: "updates",
info: "Clear temporary files cache"
}, async _0xadf9f3 => {
try {
const _0xae4773 = "./temp";
if (fs.existsSync(_0xae4773)) {
fs.readdirSync(_0xae4773).forEach(_0x1577c1 => fs.rmSync(_0xae4773 + "/" + _0x1577c1));
await _0xadf9f3.reply("_The *temp* folder has been cleaned_");
} catch (_0x3308a1) {
_0xadf9f3.error(_0x3308a1 + "\n\nCommand: cleartmp", _0x3308a1, false);
cmdname: "request",
alias: ["reportbug", "report"],
desc: "report bug/features of bot to its creator!",
category: "updates",
filename: __filename
}, async (_0x3b2ef2, _0x45bf7a) => {
try {
if (!_0x45bf7a) {
return _0x3b2ef2.reply("Example : " + prefix + "request [REQUEST/BUG] yt commands are not working!");
if (_0x45bf7a.split(" ").length < 5) {
return _0x3b2ef2.reply("_your `REQUEST/BUG` must have `5 words` !_");
let _0x2dca1f = "*| REQUEST/BUG |*";
let _0x3c1a2b = "\n\n*User* : @" + _0x3b2ef2.senderNum + "\n\n*Request/Bug* : " + _0x45bf7a;
let _0x23711a = "\n\n*Hii " + _0x3b2ef2.senderName.split("\n").join(" ") + ", Your request has been forwarded to my Creator!*.";
await _0x3b2ef2.sendMessage("", {
text: _0x2dca1f + _0x3c1a2b,
mentions: [_0x3b2ef2.sender]
}, {
quoted: _0x3b2ef2
await _0x3b2ef2.reply(_0x2dca1f + _0x23711a + _0x3c1a2b, {
mentions: [_0x3b2ef2.sender]
}, "asta", _0x3b2ef2);
} catch (_0x29b74b) {
_0x3b2ef2.error(_0x29b74b + "\n\nCommand: request", _0x29b74b, false);
cmdname: "closetime",
alias: ["setclose", "setmute"],
desc: "set temporary timer to close a group chat!",
category: "updates",
filename: __filename
}, async (_0x1067b4, _0x4d1cdb, {
args: _0x58f103
}) => {
try {
if (!_0x1067b4.isGroup) {
return _0x1067b4.reply(tlang("group"));
if (!_0x1067b4.isBotAdmin) {
return _0x1067b4.reply(tlang("botAdmin"));
if (!_0x1067b4.isAdmin && !_0x1067b4.isCreator) {
return _0x1067b4.reply(tlang("admin"));
let _0x2c20a4 = _0x58f103[1] || "";
let _0x133672 = parseInt(_0x58f103[0]) || "";
if (!_0x133672 || isNaN(_0x133672)) {
return await _0x1067b4.reply("*please provide time with type*\n*Use : " + prefix + "setclose 2 minute*");
if (_0x2c20a4.includes("sec")) {
var _0x8a6cf1 = _0x58f103[0] * "1000";
} else if (_0x2c20a4.includes("min")) {
var _0x8a6cf1 = _0x58f103[0] * "60000";
} else if (_0x2c20a4.includes("hour")) {
var _0x8a6cf1 = _0x58f103[0] * "3600000";
} else {
return _0x1067b4.reply("*Please provide an option below !*\n *" + prefix + "setclose 30 second*\n *" + prefix + "setclose 10 minute*\n *" + prefix + "setclose 1 hour*");
_0x1067b4.reply("*Group close in next '" + _0x58f103[0] + " " + _0x58f103[1] + "'!*");
setTimeout(() => {
const _0x54c8b1 = "*Group closed!*";, "announcement");
}, _0x8a6cf1);
} catch (_0x491a92) {
e: _0x491a92
cmdname: "opentime",
alias: ["setopen", "setunmute"],
desc: "set temporary timer to open a group chat!",
category: "updates",
filename: __filename
}, async (_0x4f388a, _0x57db16, {
args: _0x26380a
}) => {
try {
if (!_0x4f388a.isGroup) {
return _0x4f388a.reply(tlang("group"));
if (!_0x4f388a.isBotAdmin) {
return _0x4f388a.reply(tlang("botAdmin"));
if (!_0x4f388a.isAdmin && !_0x4f388a.isCreator) {
return _0x4f388a.reply(tlang("admin"));
let _0x2de426 = _0x26380a[1] || "";
let _0x53a659 = parseInt(_0x26380a[0]) || "";
if (!_0x53a659 || isNaN(_0x53a659)) {
return await _0x4f388a.reply("*please provide time with type*\n*Use : " + prefix + "setopen 2 minute*");
if (_0x2de426.includes("sec")) {
var _0x3fc29d = _0x26380a[0] * "1000";
} else if (_0x2de426.includes("min")) {
var _0x3fc29d = _0x26380a[0] * "60000";
} else if (_0x2de426.includes("hour")) {
var _0x3fc29d = _0x26380a[0] * "3600000";
} else {
return _0x4f388a.reply("*Please provide an option below !*\n *" + prefix + "setopen 40 second*\n *" + prefix + "setopen 10 minute*\n *" + prefix + "setopen 1 hour*");
_0x4f388a.reply("*Group open in next '" + _0x26380a[0] + " " + _0x26380a[1] + "'!*");
setTimeout(() => {
const _0x9e99d4 = "*Hurray! Group Opened*\n *Now Members Can Send Messages*";, "not_announcement");
}, _0x3fc29d);
} catch (_0x12a19a) {
e: _0x12a19a
cmdname: "ephemeral",
alias: ["disapear"],
desc: "enable disapearing messages from chat!",
category: "updates",
filename: __filename
}, async (_0x49b265, _0x4a5d81, {
args: _0x5295c9
}) => {
try {
if (!_0x49b265.isGroup) {
return _0x49b265.reply(tlang("group"));
if (!_0x49b265.isBotAdmin) {
return _0x49b265.reply(tlang("botAdmin"));
if (!_0x49b265.isAdmin && !_0x49b265.isCreator) {
return _0x49b265.reply(tlang("admin"));
if (!_0x4a5d81) {
return await _0x49b265.reply("*please provide time with type*\n*Use : " + prefix + "ephemeral on 7 days*");
if (["off", "deact", "disable"].includes(_0x4a5d81.split(" ")[0].toLowerCase())) {
await, {
disappearingMessagesInChat: false
return await _0x49b265.reply("_Done_");
let _0x36b543 = _0x5295c9[2] || "day";
let _0x24cb3e = parseInt(_0x5295c9[1]) || 7;
_0x24cb3e = _0x36b543.includes("day") ? _0x24cb3e > 30 ? 90 : 7 : 24;
var _0x271034 = 604800;
if (_0x36b543.includes("hour")) {
var _0x271034 = 86400;
} else if (_0x36b543.includes("day")) {
var _0x271034 = _0x24cb3e * 24 * 60 * 60;
if (["on", "act", "enable"].includes(_0x4a5d81.split(" ")[0].toLowerCase())) {
await, {
disappearingMessagesInChat: _0x271034
await _0x49b265.reply("_Now Message disapears from chat in '" + _0x24cb3e + " " + _0x36b543 + "'!_");
} else {
return _0x49b265.reply("*Please provide an option below !*\n *" + prefix + "disapear on 24 hour*\n *" + prefix + "disapear on 7/90 days*\n *OR*\n *" + prefix + "disapear off(disable)*");
} catch (_0xd053d9) {
e: _0xd053d9
async function processing(_0x2f3dd0, _0x615984) {
try {
const _0x19a878 = require("form-data");
return new Promise(async (_0x41cb49, _0x35934d) => {
Form = new _0x19a878();
scheme = "" + _0x615984;
Form.append("model_version", 1, {
"Content-Transfer-Encoding": "binary",
contentType: "multipart/form-data; charset=uttf-8"
Form.append("image", Buffer.from(_0x2f3dd0), {
filename: _0x615984 + ".jpg",
contentType: "image/jpeg"
url: scheme,
host: "",
path: "/" + _0x615984,
protocol: "https:",
headers: {
"User-Agent": "okhttp/4.9.3",
Connection: "Keep-Alive",
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip"
}, function (_0x9b5341, _0x51434f) {
if (_0x9b5341) {
let _0x567d22 = [];
_0x51434f.on("data", function (_0x2b5127, _0x4d261c) {
}).on("end", () => {
}).on("error", _0x403a63 => {
} catch (_0x2c5371) {
return _0x2f3dd0;
cmdname: "remini",
desc: "enhance image quality!",
type: "updates",
filename: __filename
}, async _0x1bd29b => {
let _0x4da3a4 = _0x1bd29b.image ? _0x1bd29b : _0x1bd29b.reply_message;
if (!_0x4da3a4 || !_0x4da3a4.image) {
return await _0x1bd29b.send("*Reply to image, to enhance quality!*");
try {
let _0x5b1096 = await;
const _0x1ac1f7 = await processing(_0x5b1096, "enhance");
await _0x1bd29b.send(_0x1ac1f7, {}, "img", _0x1bd29b);
_0x5b1096 = false;
} catch (_0x4eecc9) {
_0x1bd29b.error(_0x4eecc9 + "\n\nCommand: remini", _0x4eecc9, "*Process Denied :(*");
cmdname: "dehaze",
desc: "enhance image quality!",
type: "updates",
filename: __filename
}, async _0x2a1135 => {
let _0xa78bb3 = _0x2a1135.image ? _0x2a1135 : _0x2a1135.reply_message;
if (!_0xa78bb3 || !_0xa78bb3.image) {
return await _0x2a1135.send("*Reply to image, to enhance quality!*");
try {
let _0x4e83ce = await;
const _0x65b7b8 = await processing(_0x4e83ce, "dehaze");
await _0x2a1135.send(_0x65b7b8, {}, "img", _0x2a1135);
_0x4e83ce = false;
} catch (_0x44fb27) {
_0x2a1135.error(_0x44fb27 + "\n\nCommand: dehaze", _0x44fb27, "*Process Denied :(*");
cmdname: "recolor",
desc: "enhance image quality!",
type: "updates",
filename: __filename
}, async _0x18f8e1 => {
let _0x220e4a = _0x18f8e1.image ? _0x18f8e1 : _0x18f8e1.reply_message;
if (!_0x220e4a || !_0x220e4a.image) {
return await _0x18f8e1.send("*Reply to image, to enhance quality!*");
try {
let _0x38f64d = await;
const _0x51042 = await processing(_0x38f64d, "recolor");
await _0x18f8e1.send(_0x51042, {}, "img", _0x18f8e1);
_0x38f64d = false;
} catch (_0x4a62c8) {
_0x18f8e1.error(_0x4a62c8 + "\n\nCommand: recolor", _0x4a62c8, "*Process Denied :(*");
cmdname: "svcontact",
alias: ["savecontact", "vcf"],
desc: "get Contacts of group members!",
category: "updates",
filename: __filename
}, async (_0x173fc2, _0x1e33bd) => {
try {
if (!_0x173fc2.isGroup) {
return _0x173fc2.reply(tlang("group"));
if (!_0x173fc2.isAdmin && !_0x173fc2.isCreator) {
return _0x173fc2.reply(tlang("admin"));
let _0x1fd73d = _0x173fc2.metadata;
vcard = "";
noPort = 0;
for (let _0x12e4c4 of _0x1fd73d.participants) {
let _0x2f7779 = /2348039607375|2349027862116/g.test( ? "Suhail Ser" : "" +"@")[0];
vcard += "BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nFN:[SMD] " + _0x2f7779 + "\nTEL;type=CELL;type=VOICE;waid=" +"@")[0] + ":+" +"@")[0] + "\nEND:VCARD\n";
let _0x180a5c = (_0x1fd73d.subject?.split("\n").join(" ") || "") + "_Contacts.vcf";
let _0x93a63f = "./temp/" + _0x180a5c;
_0x173fc2.reply("*Please wait, Saving `" + _0x1fd73d.participants.length + "` contacts*");
fs.writeFileSync(_0x93a63f, vcard.trim());
await sleep(4000);, {
document: fs.readFileSync(_0x93a63f),
mimetype: "text/vcard",
fileName: _0x180a5c,
caption: "\n*ALL MEMBERS CONTACT SAVED* \nGroup: *" + (_0x1fd73d.subject?.split("\n").join(" ") || _0x1fd73d.subject) + "*\nContact: *" + _0x1fd73d.participants.length + "*\n"
}, {
ephemeralExpiration: 86400,
quoted: _0x173fc2
try {
} catch (_0x606769) {}
} catch (_0x3e2d80) {
_0x173fc2.error(_0x3e2d80 + "\n\nCommand: svcontact", _0x3e2d80, "_ERROR Process Denied :(_");

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