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LynxHub Module Development Guide

Guide on how to create module for LynxHub

Table of Contents

Setup Environment

Follow these steps to set up your environment for building and testing your module:

  1. Install LynxHub using one of the following options:
  2. Locate the app data folder:
    • Launch LynxHub
    • Navigate to the Settings page
    • Go to Data Management -> Data
      • Note: You can change the path in this section if desired
  3. Create a module folder:
    • Open the Modules folder in the app data directory
    • Create a new folder for your module
  4. Develop and build your module
  5. Install your module:
    • Place your built module data inside the folder you created in step 3
  6. Restart LynxHub
  7. Verify module loading:
    • Your module should now be loaded and ready to use
    • If you don't see your module, check the main and renderer console logs for any errors

Developing Module

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd LynxHub-Module-Guide
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm i
  3. Configure module information:

  4. Set up compilation path:

    • In index.js, update the compiledPath variable (line 9) with your module's path in the app data folder:
      const compiledPath = path.join('C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\Documents\\LynxHub\\Modules\\YourModuleName');
  5. Implement renderer functionality:

  6. Implement main process functionality:

  7. Custom Update and Installation Stepper:

  8. Build and install your module:

    • Automatic build and install:
      npm run build:move
    • Manual build and install:
      npm run build
      Then copy lynxModule.json and the compiled scripts folder to the app modules folder


For LynxHub to recognize your module, ensure the following structure:

Root folder

  • lynxModule.json file
  • scripts folder

Inside scripts folder

  • renderer.mjs file
  • main.mjs file

Module Configuration and API Reference

For detailed information on data types and descriptions, refer to the types.d.ts file. Additional important information not covered in the d.ts file or JSON will be explained below.

Fill this file with your repository and information

  • id: Unique identifier for your module to prevent conflicts
  • requireAppBuild: The LynxHub build number your module is compatible with
    • Find this in the app under Settings -> About
    • Used to check compatibility if the module API changes in future updates
  • repoUrl: GitHub repository URL for cloning and updating your module
    • Where lynxModule.json file exist
  • changeLog: Document update changes
    • Use \n for line breaks (other escape characters like \t are not supported)
  • owner: Is the WebUI or the repository provided by this module owned by you?
  • Must have a default export
  • Executes in the Electron renderer process (browser environment)
  • Use this file for UI-related functionality and user interactions
  • The setCurrentBuild method is called within the app, passing the current build number as a parameter.
    • Use this build number to enable or disable any web UI features or functionality that are incompatible with the current LynxHub version.

main.ts Tips

  • Must have a default export
  • Executes in the Electron main process (Node.js environment)
  • Use this file for system-level operations and background tasks
  • The setCurrentBuild method is called within the app, passing the current build number as a parameter.
    • Use this build number to enable or disable any web UI features or functionality that are incompatible with the current LynxHub version.

Installation Stepper Tips

Follow this general stepper order for installation (although you can customize the order to fit your needs):

  • Remove or don't add this method to the CardRendererMethods export so app use usual simple git clone for installation


The initialSteps method must be called first. Use setInstalled once the installation is complete, and showFinalStep when the entire process is finished.

  1. stepper.initialSteps:Initialize the stepper UI by passing an array of step titles. These titles will be displayed in the stepper modal.
  2. stepper.starterStep: Set up the initial screen where the user chooses between "Install" or "Locate".
    • If the user selects "Locate", the returned promise will contain the targetDirectory.
    • Use stepper.utils for validation, then call stepper.setInstalled to mark the installation as complete on the card.
  3. stepper.nextStep: Progress to the next step by calling this method. It updates the stepper to reflect the current step.
  4. Perform the Installation: Carry out the installation steps such as cloneRepository, downloadFileFromUrl, or runTerminalScript.
    • Tip: Always call nextStep after completing each installation step.
  5. stepper.setInstalled: Once installation and validation are complete, call this method with the installation directory to mark it as installed.
  6. stepper.showFinalStep: Display the final message to the user, indicating success or failure with a 'success' or ' error' status.


To simplify the installation process, do not include the startInstall method in the CardRendererMethods export. This ensures the app will default to using a simple git clone approach for installation.


As of build 11 (V1.3.0), you can use the startInstall method (from the CardRendererMethods export) to access advanced installation options with the stepper.

Update Stepper Tips

To update the web UI with stepper, use the startUpdate method with the provided stepper and dir, following the same flow as described in the Installation Stepper Tips.

  • In the updateAvailable method, check if an update is available. This method returns true if an update is found, otherwise false.


To simplify the updating process, set manager.updater.updateType to 'git'. This ensures the app will default to using a simple git pull approach for updating.


Guide on how to create module for LynxHub







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