This repository contains a demonstration of deploying a simple To-Do App with a frontend and backend using Kubernetes, packaged with Helm. The app is instrumented to expose metrics for monitoring, and the setup includes Prometheus for metric collection and Grafana for visualization.
Kubernetes: Container orchestration platform. Helm: Kubernetes package manager for defining, installing, and managing Kubernetes applications. Docker: Containerization platform to package the app. Prometheus: Open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit for Kubernetes. Grafana: Data visualization tool for monitoring with Prometheus.
To get started, ensure the following tools are installed:
Kubernetes Cluster: Minikube or a cloud-based Kubernetes service (e.g., AWS EKS, Google GKE, Azure AKS).
Helm: To deploy Kubernetes applications. Kubectl: Command-line tool for Kubernetes. Docker: For building container images. Optional for Monitoring: Prometheus Operator: For managing Prometheus instances. Grafana: For dashboards and visualizations.