enhancedCheck 1.0
enhancedCheck 1.0
Require Bootstrap >= 3.0.0
Enhance checkboxes and radio buttons design. Just put input and label (label after input) in a div with desired class
- enhancedCheck: base class:
- enhancedCheck-inline: display inputs inline if they are nested into not-inline div
- enhancedCheck-[primary|success|danger|warning]: change base color to [blue|green|red|orange]
- enhancedCheck-combine: alternate design for checkboxes, aiming at grouping values
See html or png sample in demo folder
Typical HTML sample:
<div class="enhancedCheck enhancedCheck-primary">
<input type="checkbox" id="sampleCheckbox">
<label for="sampleCheckbox">Checkbox</label>
<div class="enhancedCheck enhancedCheck-success">
<input type="radio" name="rb" id="sampleRadio1">
<label for="sampleRadio1">Radio one</label>
<input type="radio" name="rb" id="sampleRadio2">
<label for="sampleRadio2">Radio two</label>