This repository contains the base/foundation needed to store off-chain data in a Mongo db and interact with smartcontracts. This app uses a MERN stack.
The example on the dashboard requests the current ethereum price from a public chainlink oracle, and listens for the fullfill event once the chainlink request has been fullfilled.
Requires an INFURA account and a mongodb db. Both of these services are free and quick to spin up. Ofcourse you have the option to connect to local RPC client but you will need to deploy several other Contracts locally. Also, instead of connecting to db you have the option to spin up a local mongo db.
Update the following in the .env with the values from each account:
In the root directory run:
npm install
npm run client
In the root directory run:
npm run migrate-ropsten
Supply LINK to your contract LINK Ropsten faucet
Supply ETH to your Wallet ETH Ropsten faucet
Have MetaMask installed