Web App that could be utilize as an online wardrobe / closet to help create a visual representation of a person's clothing collection
Test Account details:
Username is clout
Password is clout
This is a work in progress full-stack application that allows for users to create accounts and search for clothing items that they can add to their online wardrobe. This could be a very useful way for fashion forward people to keep a visual collection of items that they own. In addition to filling up a closet with clothing they are able to create outfits out of clothing that they own. This was an idea that I wanted to work on for a long time, and now I look forward to recreating this project again, but instead with a framework like react and possibly a different database.
- HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
- Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL
- This code snippet is how I am able to either return all outfits or return certain outfits that belong to a user.
const Outfits = {
findAll: (userid)=>{
return db.query(`
select o.*,c.* , o.name as outfitName, o.id as outfitId from clothes c inner join outfits o on c.id = o.top_id WHERE o.userid = $1 union all
select o.*,c.* , o.name as outfitName, o.id as outfitId from clothes c inner join outfits o on c.id = o.bottom_id WHERE o.userid = $1 union all
select o.*,c.* , o.name as outfitName, o.id as outfitId from clothes c inner join outfits o on c.id = o.shoe_id WHERE o.userid = $1
findById: (id)=>{
return db.query(`
select o.*,c.* , o.name as outfitName, o.id as outfitId from clothes c inner join outfits o on c.id = o.top_id WHERE o.id = $1 union all
select o.*,c.* , o.name as outfitName, o.id as outfitId from clothes c inner join outfits o on c.id = o.bottom_id WHERE o.id = $1 union all
select o.*,c.* , o.name as outfitName, o.id as outfitId from clothes c inner join outfits o on c.id = o.shoe_id WHERE o.id = $1
`, [id])
A lot of focus was placed on having a working CRUD functionality over design and aesthetics. However now that I have a better understanding of the CRUD functionality I want to recreate the project with a better usage of a database and project structure.
- Better UI/UX design and making the app more straight forward for all users.
- Usage of possible multiple APIs or a different API because ShopStyle Api is limited and sometimes require specific queries
- Fix up the website design
- Possible usage of a different database or restructure how the database is setup and how the queries are returned