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Add subset #2496

merged 17 commits into from
Jan 11, 2021
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
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and documented in the manual for `AbstractDataFrame`, `DataFrameRow`,
`DataFrameRows`, `DataFrameColumns`, `GroupedDataFrame`, `GroupKeys`, and `GroupKey`
* add `subset` and `subset!` functions that allow to subset rows

## Deprecated

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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/lib/
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9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions docs/src/man/
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Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,11 @@ df = DataFrame(grp = repeat(1:2, 3), x = 6:-1:1, y = 4:9, z = [3:7; missing], id
df2 = DataFrame(grp = [1, 3], w = [10, 11])

Note that in the comparisons presented below predicates like `x -> x >= 1` can
be more compactly written as `=>(1)`. The latter form has an additional benefit
that it is compiled only once per Julia session (as opposed to `x -> x >= 1`
which defines a new anonymous function every time it is introduced).

## Comparison with the Python package pandas

The following table compares the main functions of DataFrames.jl with the Python package pandas (version 1.1.0):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,7 +209,7 @@ df <- tibble(grp = rep(1:2, 3), x = 6:1, y = 4:9,
| Rename columns | `rename(df, x_new = x)` | `rename(df, :x => :x_new)` |
| Pick columns | `select(df, x, y)` | `select(df, :x, :y)` |
| Pick & transform columns | `transmute(df, mean(x), y)` | `select(df, :x => mean, :y)` |
| Pick rows | `filter(df, x >= 1)` | `filter(:x => >=(1), df)` |
| Pick rows | `filter(df, x >= 1)` | `subset(df, :x => ByRow(x -> x >= 1))` |
| Sort rows | `arrange(df, x)` | `sort(df, :x)` |

As in dplyr, some of these functions can be applied to grouped data frames, in which case they operate by group:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,7 +245,7 @@ The following table compares the main functions of DataFrames.jl with Stata:
| Add new columns | `egen x_mean = mean(x)` | `transform!(df, :x => mean => :x_mean)` |
| Rename columns | `rename x x_new` | `rename!(df, :x => :x_new)` |
| Pick columns | `keep x y` | `select!(df, :x, :y)` |
| Pick rows | `keep if x >= 1` | `filter!(:x => >=(1), df)` |
| Pick rows | `keep if x >= 1` | `subset!(df, :x => ByRow(x -> x >= 1)` |
| Sort rows | `sort x` | `sort!(df, :x)` |

Note that the suffix `!` (i.e. `transform!`, `select!`, etc) ensures that the operation transforms the dataframe in place, as in Stata
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/DataFrames.jl
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Expand Up @@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ export AbstractDataFrame,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,6 +106,7 @@ include("dataframerow/utils.jl")

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283 changes: 283 additions & 0 deletions src/abstractdataframe/subset.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
# subset allows a transformation specification without a target column name or a column

_process_subset_pair(i::Int, a::ColumnIndex) = a => Symbol(:x, i)
_process_subset_pair(i::Int, @nospecialize(a::Pair{<:Any, <:Base.Callable})) =
first(a) => last(a) => Symbol(:x, i)
_process_subset_pair(i::Int, a) =
throw(ArgumentError("condition specifier $a is not supported by `subset`"))

_and() = throw(ArgumentError("at least one condition must be passed"))
_and(x::Bool) = x
_and(x::Bool, y::Bool...) = x && _and(y...)

function _and(x::Any...)
loc = findfirst(x -> !(x isa Bool), x)
# we know x has positive length and must contain non-boolean
@assert !isnothing(loc)
xv = x[loc]
if ismissing(xv)
throw(ArgumentError("missing was returned in condition number $loc " *
"but only true or false are allowed; pass " *
"skipmissing=true to skip missing values"))
throw(ArgumentError("value $xv was returned in condition number $loc " *
"but only true or false are allowed"))

_and_missing() = throw(ArgumentError("at least one condition must be passed"))
_and_missing(x::Bool) = x
_and_missing(x::Bool, y::Union{Bool, Missing}...) = x && _and_missing(y...)
_and_missing(x::Missing, y::Union{Bool, Missing}...) = false

function _and_missing(x::Any...)
loc = findfirst(x -> !(x isa Union{Bool, Missing}), x)
# we know x has positive length and must contain non-boolean
@assert !isnothing(loc)
xv = x[loc]
throw(ArgumentError("value $xv was returned in condition number $loc" *
"but only true, false, or missing are allowed"))

# Note that _get_subset_conditions will have a large compilation time
# if more than 32 conditions are passed as `args`.
function _get_subset_conditions(df::Union{AbstractDataFrame, GroupedDataFrame},
@nospecialize(args), skipmissing::Bool)
conditions = Any[_process_subset_pair(i, a) for (i, a) in enumerate(args)]

isempty(conditions) && throw(ArgumentError("at least one condition must be passed"))

if df isa AbstractDataFrame
df_conditions = select(df, conditions..., copycols=!(df isa DataFrame))
df_conditions = select(df, conditions...,
copycols=!(parent(df) isa DataFrame), keepkeys=false)

@assert ncol(df_conditions) == length(conditions)

if skipmissing
cond = _and_missing.(eachcol(df_conditions)...)
cond = _and.(eachcol(df_conditions)...)

@assert eltype(cond) === Bool
return cond

subset(df::AbstractDataFrame, args...; skipmissing::Bool=false, view::Bool=false)
subset(gdf::GroupedDataFrame, args...; skipmissing::Bool=false, view::Bool=false,

Return a copy of data frame `df` or parent of `gdf` containing only rows for
which all values produced by transformation(s) `args` for a given row are `true`.

Each argument passed in `args` can be either a single column selector or a
`source_columns => function` transformation specifier following the rules
described for [`select`](@ref).

Note that as opposed to [`filter`](@ref) the `subset` function works on whole
columns (or all rows in groups for `GroupedDataFrame`).

If `skipmissing=false` (the default) `args` are required to produce vectors
containing only `Bool` values. If `skipmissing=true`, additionally `missing` is
allowed and it is treated as `false` (i.e. rows for which one of the conditions
returns `missing` are skipped).

If `view=true` a `SubDataFrame` view is returned instead of a `DataFrame`.

If `ungroup=false` the resulting data frame is re-grouped based on the same
grouping columns as `gdf` and a `GroupedDataFrame` is returned.

If a `GroupedDataFrame` is passed then it must include all groups present in the
`parent` data frame, like in [`select!`](@ref).

See also: [`subset!`](@ref), [`filter`](@ref), [`select`](@ref)

# Examples

julia> df = DataFrame(id=1:4, x=[true, false, true, false], y=[true, true, false, false],
z=[true, true, missing, missing], v=[1, 2, 11, 12])
4×5 DataFrame
Row │ id x y z v
│ Int64 Bool Bool Bool? Int64
1 │ 1 true true true 1
2 │ 2 false true true 2
3 │ 3 true false missing 11
4 │ 4 false false missing 12

julia> subset(df, :x)
2×5 DataFrame
Row │ id x y z v
│ Int64 Bool Bool Bool? Int64
1 │ 1 true true true 1
2 │ 3 true false missing 11

julia> subset(df, :v => x -> x .> 3)
2×5 DataFrame
Row │ id x y z v
│ Int64 Bool Bool Bool? Int64
1 │ 3 true false missing 11
2 │ 4 false false missing 12

julia> subset(df, :x, :y => ByRow(!))
1×5 DataFrame
Row │ id x y z v
│ Int64 Bool Bool Bool? Int64
1 │ 3 true false missing 11

julia> subset(df, :x, :z, skipmissing=true)
1×5 DataFrame
Row │ id x y z v
│ Int64 Bool Bool Bool? Int64
1 │ 1 true true true 1

julia> subset(df, :x, :z)
ERROR: ArgumentError: missing was returned in condition number 2 but only true or false are allowed; pass skipmissing=true to skip missing values

julia> subset(groupby(df, :y), :v => x -> x .> minimum(x))
2×5 DataFrame
Row │ id x y z v
│ Int64 Bool Bool Bool? Int64
1 │ 2 false true true 2
2 │ 4 false false missing 12
function subset(df::AbstractDataFrame, @nospecialize(args...);
skipmissing::Bool=false, view::Bool=false)
row_selector = _get_subset_conditions(df, args, skipmissing)
return view ? Base.view(df, row_selector, :) : df[row_selector, :]

function subset(gdf::GroupedDataFrame, @nospecialize(args...);
skipmissing::Bool=false, view::Bool=false,
row_selector = _get_subset_conditions(gdf, args, skipmissing)
df = parent(gdf)
res = view ? Base.view(df, row_selector, :) : df[row_selector, :]
# TODO: in some cases it might be faster to groupby gdf.groups[row_selector]
return ungroup ? res : groupby(res, groupcols(gdf))

subset!(df::AbstractDataFrame, args...; skipmissing::Bool=false)
subset!(gdf::GroupedDataFrame{DataFrame}, args..., skipmissing::Bool=false,

Update data frame `df` or the parent of `gdf` in place to contain only rows for
which all values produced by transformation(s) `args` for a given row is `true`.

Each argument passed in `args` can be either a single column selector or a
`source_columns => function` transformation specifier following the rules
described for [`select`](@ref).

Note that as opposed to [`filter!`](@ref) the `subset!` function works on whole
columns (or all rows in groups for `GroupedDataFrame`).

If `skipmissing=false` (the default) `args` are required to produce vectors
containing only `Bool` values. If `skipmissing=true`, additionally `missing` is
allowed and it is treated as `false` (i.e. rows for which one of the conditions
returns `missing` are skipped).

If `ungroup=false` the resulting data frame is re-grouped based on the same
grouping columns as `gdf` and a `GroupedDataFrame` is returned.

If `GroupedDataFrame` is subsetted then it must include all groups present in the
`parent` data frame, like in [`select!`](@ref).

See also: [`subset`](@ref), [`filter!`](@ref), [`select!`](@ref)

# Examples

julia> df = DataFrame(id=1:4, x=[true, false, true, false], y=[true, true, false, false])
4×3 DataFrame
Row │ id x y
│ Int64 Bool Bool
1 │ 1 true true
2 │ 2 false true
3 │ 3 true false
4 │ 4 false false

julia> subset!(df, :x, :y => ByRow(!));

julia> df
1×3 DataFrame
Row │ id x y
│ Int64 Bool Bool
1 │ 3 true false

julia> df = DataFrame(id=1:4, y=[true, true, false, false], v=[1, 2, 11, 12]);

julia> subset!(groupby(df, :y), :v => x -> x .> minimum(x));

julia> df
2×3 DataFrame
Row │ id y v
│ Int64 Bool Int64
1 │ 2 true 2
2 │ 4 false 12

julia> df = DataFrame(id=1:4, x=[true, false, true, false],
z=[true, true, missing, missing], v=1:4)
4×4 DataFrame
Row │ id x z v
│ Int64 Bool Bool? Int64
1 │ 1 true true 1
2 │ 2 false true 2
3 │ 3 true missing 3
4 │ 4 false missing 4

julia> subset!(df, :x, :z)
ERROR: ArgumentError: missing was returned in condition number 2 but only true or false are allowed; pass skipmissing=true to skip missing values

julia> subset!(df, :x, :z, skipmissing=true);

julia> df
1×4 DataFrame
Row │ id x z v
│ Int64 Bool Bool? Int64
1 │ 1 true true 1

julia> df = DataFrame(id=1:4, x=[true, false, true, false], y=[true, true, false, false],
z=[true, true, missing, missing], v=[1, 2, 11, 12]);

julia> subset!(groupby(df, :y), :v => x -> x .> minimum(x));

julia> df
2×5 DataFrame
Row │ id x y z v
│ Int64 Bool Bool Bool? Int64
1 │ 2 false true true 2
2 │ 4 false false missing 12
function subset!(df::AbstractDataFrame, @nospecialize(args...); skipmissing::Bool=false)
row_selector = _get_subset_conditions(df, args, skipmissing)
return delete!(df, findall(!, row_selector))

function subset!(gdf::GroupedDataFrame, @nospecialize(args...); skipmissing::Bool=false,
row_selector = _get_subset_conditions(gdf, args, skipmissing)
df = parent(gdf)
res = delete!(df, findall(!, row_selector))
# TODO: in some cases it might be faster to groupby gdf.groups[row_selector]
return ungroup ? res : groupby(res, groupcols(gdf))