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eth/filters: avoid block body retrieval when no matching logs (ethere…
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JukLee0ira committed Aug 3, 2024
1 parent 1576870 commit f1cfafb
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Showing 11 changed files with 345 additions and 98 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions accounts/abi/bind/backends/simulated.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -555,6 +555,13 @@ func (fb *filterBackend) GetReceipts(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash) (typ
return core.GetBlockReceipts(fb.db, hash, core.GetBlockNumber(fb.db, hash)), nil

func (fb *filterBackend) GetBody(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash, number rpc.BlockNumber) (*types.Body, error) {
if body := fb.bc.GetBody(hash); body != nil {
return body, nil
return nil, errors.New("block body not found")

func (fb *filterBackend) PendingBlockAndReceipts() (*types.Block, types.Receipts) {
return fb.backend.pendingBlock, fb.backend.pendingReceipts
Expand Down
65 changes: 53 additions & 12 deletions core/rawdb/accessors_chain.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,22 @@ import (

// WriteCanonicalHash stores the hash assigned to a canonical block number.
func WriteCanonicalHash(db ethdb.KeyValueWriter, hash common.Hash, number uint64) {
if err := db.Put(headerHashKey(number), hash.Bytes()); err != nil {
log.Crit("Failed to store number to hash mapping", "err", err)

// WriteHeaderNumber stores the hash->number mapping.
func WriteHeaderNumber(db ethdb.KeyValueWriter, hash common.Hash, number uint64) {
key := headerNumberKey(hash)
enc := encodeBlockNumber(number)
if err := db.Put(key, enc); err != nil {
log.Crit("Failed to store hash to number mapping", "err", err)

// ReadHeaderNumber returns the header number assigned to a hash.
func ReadHeaderNumber(db ethdb.KeyValueReader, hash common.Hash) *uint64 {
data, _ := db.Get(headerNumberKey(hash))
Expand All @@ -39,6 +55,13 @@ func ReadHeaderNumber(db ethdb.KeyValueReader, hash common.Hash) *uint64 {
return &number

// WriteHeadBlockHash stores the head block's hash.
func WriteHeadBlockHash(db ethdb.KeyValueWriter, hash common.Hash) {
if err := db.Put(headBlockKey, hash.Bytes()); err != nil {
log.Crit("Failed to store last block's hash", "err", err)

// ReadBodyRLP retrieves the block body (transactions and uncles) in RLP encoding.
func ReadBodyRLP(db ethdb.Reader, hash common.Hash, number uint64) rlp.RawValue {
// First try to look up the data in ancient database. Extra hash
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,6 +123,27 @@ func WriteBody(db ethdb.KeyValueWriter, hash common.Hash, number uint64, body *t
WriteBodyRLP(db, hash, number, data)

// WriteHeader stores a block header into the database and also stores the hash-
// to-number mapping.
func WriteHeader(db ethdb.KeyValueWriter, header *types.Header) {
var (
hash = header.Hash()
number = header.Number.Uint64()
// Write the hash -> number mapping
WriteHeaderNumber(db, hash, number)

// Write the encoded header
data, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(header)
if err != nil {
log.Crit("Failed to RLP encode header", "err", err)
key := headerKey(number, hash)
if err := db.Put(key, data); err != nil {
log.Crit("Failed to store header", "err", err)

// ReadReceiptsRLP retrieves all the transaction receipts belonging to a block in RLP encoding.
func ReadReceiptsRLP(db ethdb.Reader, hash common.Hash, number uint64) rlp.RawValue {
// First try to look up the data in ancient database. Extra hash
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -195,6 +239,12 @@ func WriteReceipts(db ethdb.KeyValueWriter, hash common.Hash, number uint64, rec

// WriteBlock serializes a block into the database, header and body separately.
func WriteBlock(db ethdb.KeyValueWriter, block *types.Block) {
WriteBody(db, block.Hash(), block.NumberU64(), block.Body())
WriteHeader(db, block.Header())

// storedReceiptRLP is the storage encoding of a receipt.
// Re-definition in core/types/receipt.go.
type storedReceiptRLP struct {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -248,9 +298,9 @@ func deriveLogFields(receipts []*receiptLogs, hash common.Hash, number uint64, t
return nil

// ReadLogs retrieves the logs for all transactions in a block. The log fields
// are populated with metadata. In case the receipts or the block body
// are not found, a nil is returned.
// ReadLogs retrieves the logs for all transactions in a block. In case
// receipts is not found, a nil is returned.
// Note: ReadLogs does not derive unstored log fields.
func ReadLogs(db ethdb.Reader, hash common.Hash, number uint64) [][]*types.Log {
// Retrieve the flattened receipt slice
data := ReadReceiptsRLP(db, hash, number)
Expand All @@ -263,15 +313,6 @@ func ReadLogs(db ethdb.Reader, hash common.Hash, number uint64) [][]*types.Log {
return nil

body := ReadBody(db, hash, number)
if body == nil {
log.Error("Missing body but have receipt", "hash", hash, "number", number)
return nil
if err := deriveLogFields(receipts, hash, number, body.Transactions); err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to derive block receipts fields", "hash", hash, "number", number, "err", err)
return nil
logs := make([][]*types.Log, len(receipts))
for i, receipt := range receipts {
logs[i] = receipt.Logs
Expand Down
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions core/rawdb/accessors_chain_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -116,10 +116,6 @@ func TestReadLogs(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected number of logs[1] returned, have %d want %d", have, want)

// Fill in log fields so we can compare their rlp encoding
if err := types.Receipts(receipts).DeriveFields(params.TestChainConfig, hash, 0, body.Transactions); err != nil {
for i, pr := range receipts {
for j, pl := range pr.Logs {
rlpHave, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(newFullLogRLP(logs[i][j]))
Expand Down
15 changes: 14 additions & 1 deletion core/rawdb/schema.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,10 +25,13 @@ import (

// The fields below define the low level database schema prefixing.
var (
headBlockKey = []byte("LastBlock")
// Data item prefixes (use single byte to avoid mixing data types, avoid `i`, used for indexes).
headerPrefix = []byte("h") // headerPrefix + num (uint64 big endian) + hash -> header
headerHashSuffix = []byte("n") // headerPrefix + num (uint64 big endian) + headerHashSuffix -> hash
headerNumberPrefix = []byte("H") // headerNumberPrefix + hash -> num (uint64 big endian)
blockBodyPrefix = []byte("b") // blockBodyPrefix + num (uint64 big endian) + hash -> block body

blockBodyPrefix = []byte("b") // blockBodyPrefix + num (uint64 big endian) + hash -> block body
blockReceiptsPrefix = []byte("r") // blockReceiptsPrefix + num (uint64 big endian) + hash -> block receipts

Expand All @@ -50,6 +53,16 @@ func encodeBlockNumber(number uint64) []byte {
return enc

// headerKey = headerPrefix + num (uint64 big endian) + hash
func headerKey(number uint64, hash common.Hash) []byte {
return append(append(headerPrefix, encodeBlockNumber(number)...), hash.Bytes()...)

// headerHashKey = headerPrefix + num (uint64 big endian) + headerHashSuffix
func headerHashKey(number uint64) []byte {
return append(append(headerPrefix, encodeBlockNumber(number)...), headerHashSuffix...)

// headerNumberKey = headerNumberPrefix + hash
func headerNumberKey(hash common.Hash) []byte {
return append(headerNumberPrefix, hash.Bytes()...)
Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions eth/api_backend.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -159,6 +159,17 @@ func (b *EthApiBackend) BlockByHash(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash) (*typ
return b.eth.blockchain.GetBlockByHash(hash), nil

// GetBody returns body of a block. It does not resolve special block numbers.
func (b *EthApiBackend) GetBody(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash, number rpc.BlockNumber) (*types.Body, error) {
if number < 0 || hash == (common.Hash{}) {
return nil, errors.New("invalid arguments; expect hash and no special block numbers")
if body := b.eth.blockchain.GetBody(hash); body != nil {
return body, nil
return nil, errors.New("block body not found")

func (b *EthApiBackend) BlockByNumberOrHash(ctx context.Context, blockNrOrHash rpc.BlockNumberOrHash) (*types.Block, error) {
if blockNr, ok := blockNrOrHash.Number(); ok {
return b.BlockByNumber(ctx, blockNr)
Expand Down
68 changes: 30 additions & 38 deletions eth/filters/filter.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ func (f *Filter) Logs(ctx context.Context) ([]*types.Log, error) {
if header == nil {
return nil, errors.New("unknown block")
return f.blockLogs(ctx, header, false)
return f.blockLogs(ctx, header)
// Short-cut if all we care about is pending logs
if f.begin == rpc.PendingBlockNumber.Int64() {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ func (f *Filter) indexedLogs(ctx context.Context, end uint64) ([]*types.Log, err
if header == nil || err != nil {
return logs, err
found, err := f.blockLogs(ctx, header, true)
found, err := f.blockLogs(ctx, header)
if err != nil {
return logs, err
Expand All @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ func (f *Filter) unindexedLogs(ctx context.Context, end uint64) ([]*types.Log, e
if header == nil || err != nil {
return logs, err
found, err := f.blockLogs(ctx, header, false)
found, err := f.blockLogs(ctx, header)
if err != nil {
return logs, err
Expand All @@ -224,46 +224,46 @@ func (f *Filter) unindexedLogs(ctx context.Context, end uint64) ([]*types.Log, e

// blockLogs returns the logs matching the filter criteria within a single block.
func (f *Filter) blockLogs(ctx context.Context, header *types.Header, skipBloom bool) ([]*types.Log, error) {
// Fast track: no filtering criteria
if len(f.addresses) == 0 && len(f.topics) == 0 {
list, err := f.sys.cachedGetLogs(ctx, header.Hash(), header.Number.Uint64())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return flatten(list), nil
} else if skipBloom || bloomFilter(header.Bloom, f.addresses, f.topics) {
func (f *Filter) blockLogs(ctx context.Context, header *types.Header) ([]*types.Log, error) {
if bloomFilter(header.Bloom, f.addresses, f.topics) {
return f.checkMatches(ctx, header)
return nil, nil

// checkMatches checks if the receipts belonging to the given header contain any log events that
// match the filter criteria. This function is called when the bloom filter signals a potential match.
// skipFilter signals all logs of the given block are requested.
func (f *Filter) checkMatches(ctx context.Context, header *types.Header) ([]*types.Log, error) {
logsList, err := f.sys.cachedGetLogs(ctx, header.Hash(), header.Number.Uint64())
hash := header.Hash()
// Logs in cache are partially filled with context data
// such as tx index, block hash, etc.
// Notably tx hash is NOT filled in because it needs
// access to block body data.
cached, err := f.sys.cachedLogElem(ctx, hash, header.Number.Uint64())
if err != nil {
return nil, err

unfiltered := flatten(logsList)
logs := filterLogs(unfiltered, nil, nil, f.addresses, f.topics)
if len(logs) > 0 {
// We have matching logs, check if we need to resolve full logs via the light client
if logs[0].TxHash == (common.Hash{}) {
receipts, err := f.sys.backend.GetReceipts(ctx, header.Hash())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
unfiltered = unfiltered[:0]
for _, receipt := range receipts {
unfiltered = append(unfiltered, receipt.Logs...)
logs = filterLogs(unfiltered, nil, nil, f.addresses, f.topics)
logs := filterLogs(cached.logs, nil, nil, f.addresses, f.topics)
if len(logs) == 0 {
return nil, nil
// Most backends will deliver un-derived logs, but check nevertheless.
if len(logs) > 0 && logs[0].TxHash != (common.Hash{}) {
return logs, nil
return nil, nil

body, err := f.sys.cachedGetBody(ctx, cached, hash, header.Number.Uint64())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i, log := range logs {
// Copy log not to modify cache elements
logcopy := *log
logcopy.TxHash = body.Transactions[logcopy.TxIndex].Hash()
logs[i] = &logcopy
return logs, nil

// pendingLogs returns the logs matching the filter criteria within the pending block.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -353,11 +353,3 @@ func bloomFilter(bloom types.Bloom, addresses []common.Address, topics [][]commo
return true

func flatten(list [][]*types.Log) []*types.Log {
var flat []*types.Log
for _, logs := range list {
flat = append(flat, logs...)
return flat

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