AiiDA plugin for the spirit code
pip install aiida-spirit # install aiida-spirit from pypi
verdi quicksetup # better to set up a new profile
verdi plugin list aiida.calculations # should now show your calclulation plugins
Here goes a complete example of how to submit a test calculation using this plugin.
A quick demo of how to submit a calculation (the spirit python API needs to be installed for this to work: pip install spirit
verdi daemon start # make sure the daemon is running
cd examples
./ # run test calculation
verdi process list -a # check record of calculation
git clone .
cd aiida-spirit
pip install -e .[pre-commit,testing] # install extra dependencies
pre-commit install # install pre-commit hooks
pytest -v # discover and run all tests
Note that pytest -v
will create a test database and profile which requires to find the pg_ctl
If pg_ctl
is not found you need to nake sure that postgres is installed and then add the localtion of
to the PATH
# add postgres path for pg_ctl to PATH
# this is an example for Postgres 9.6 installed on a mac
export PATH
If you use AiiDA-Spirit please cite the method paper
- P. Rüßmann, J. Ribas Sobreviela, M. Sallermann, M. Hoffmann, F. Rhiem, and S. Blügel, The AiiDA-Spirit Plugin for Automated Spin-Dynamics Simulations and Multi-Scale Modeling Based on First-Principles Calculations, Front. Mater. 9, 825043 (2022). doi: 10.3389/fmats.2022.825043,
and the latest code release
- P. Rüßmann, J. Ribas Sobreviela, M. Sallermann, M. Hoffmann, F. Rhiem, and S. Blügel. JuDFTteam/aiida-spirit. Zenodo. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8070770.
The AiiDA-Spirit code is under the MIT license.