If you like to use Devise, but wish it had an easy token authentication system that handles a user logging in from multiple devices, DeviseMultipleTokenAuth is for you.
######Devise User DeviseMultipleTokenAuth depends on devise. Currently it has deep hooks into the User model. Thus, first add devise to your gem file and install it, and then make sure you create the User model at app/models/user.rb. If you don't already have that model, you can use devise's generator shown below.
rails generate devise User
######Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'devise_multiple_token_auth'
######And then execute:
bundle install
######Run the generator
rails g devise_multiple_token_auth:install
This will add an initializer at config/initializers/devise_multiple_token_auth.rb and a new migration called create_devise_multiple_token_auth_devices.rb It will also add devise_token_authenticatable to app/models/user.rb
######Run the migrations rake db:migrate
######How to login Send an http post with content-type 'application/json' to /devise_multiple_token_auth/auth/login using the following params: :email or :username and :password
If successful, you'll get back the following json
"auth_token": "a1afa8c4622af2d373d042aa43de5f26"
Set the client's Authorization header to the value of the returned auth_token
Authorization: "my_shiny_new_auth_token_string_identifier"
######How to enforce authentication Add the following code to any controller to enforce token authentication
before_filter :authenticate_token_user!
######How to logout Send an http delete with content-type 'application/json', and Authorization 'your_shiny_token_that_you_received_from_logging_in' to /devise_multiple_token_auth/auth/logout
If successful, you will receive a 204 with no body
#####Want to do your own login/logout? Do something like the following in your auth controller
respond_to :json
before_filter :authenticate_token_user!
skip_filter :authenticate_token_user!, only: [:login]
def login
email = params[:email] || params[:username]
password = params[:password]
user = User.find_by(email: email)
if user.present? && user.valid_password?(params[:password])
device = user.create_device
render json: {auth_token: device.auth_token}, status: :ok
render json: {error: 'Invalid credentials', code: '401'}, status: :unauthorized
def logout
head :no_content
#####To add push notification structure to devices Install the migration to add :platform and :push_token to the devices table
rails g devise_multiple_token_auth:add_push_notification_functionality
Update the current users device with an auth token by sending a PUT to /devise_multiple_token_auth/update_push_token with the params: :push_token and :platform. Platform accepts any of these three values: ios, android, windowsphone.
DeviseMultipleTokenAuth is written and maintained by Josh Juncker and friends.
Currently funded and maintained by Verdad Technologies
- Fork it ( https://github.com/joshjuncker/DeviseMultipleTokenAuth/fork )
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request