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Collaborator network

Elena Dimitrova edited this page Oct 17, 2017 · 2 revisions


Backlog consists of the split down version of the Colony Whitepaper. Any issues with the Whitepaper should be logged in

Lifecycle of a work item

  1. Pick an item marked with 'good-for-collab' label from the 'Backlog' pipeline
  2. Move the item from the 'Backlog' to 'In progress' pipeline.
  3. Set yourself as the 'assignee'.
  4. Use the following naming schema for your branch: [feature/fix/maintenance/...]/[issue-#]-[a-meaningful-description-in-kebab-case] (w/o the braces of course) Create a new PR for it formatted simply as:
[description of the overall changes you are introducing]
Closes/Resolves/Fixes #issue number
  1. Connect the PR to the issue (using ZenHub's "link this PR to an issue" button)
  2. On the PR, set yourself as the 'assignee'.
  3. Go through the standard GitHub review process for PRs and use the in-progress / **ready-for-review **/ under-review labels to indicate work progress
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