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This is a helper script to be able to book a time for ordering a passport in Sweden.

Note: This script does not currently support ordering National ID, or persons living abroad.

After a successful booking you will receive the booking details both by email and sms from the police. On top of that this script stores the details in the file result/success.json.

As long as a file called result/success.json (with a result.bookingNumber) exists, this script will never attempt to create another booking.


Nodejs v16

Quick Start

Create a file result/config.json

  "persons":[ // Amount of persons to book for. Feel free to add or remove, add empty objects if you want to be anonymous.
      "first": "firstname",
      "last": "lastname"
  "contact": {
    "email": "",
    "phone": "0701234567"
  "station": 0, // 0 = all of the passstations in the region, if you want a specific one you need to check it up.
  "region": "uppsala", // Allowed/supported, see Supported regions below.
  "endDate": "2022-05-31" // How long to allow the automated booking to work
  "offsetStart": 0, // UNTESTED PROPERLY On which day to allow bookings, 0 = same day, 1 = day after etc

Run the following commands, to install required dependencies.

nvm use # (Optional) If you have nvm installed, to make sure you are using correct nodejs version.
corepack enable pnpm # Make sure pnpm exists
pnpm install # install dependencies

Then run one of the following commands to execute the script in one of the modes.

pnpm run start # runs the command in single mode

pnpm run start:watch # Runs continously until it finds a time, with a reasonable amount of wait between tries.

pnpm run start:agressive # Runs continously until it finds a booking and bombards the API very often. Not recommended.

./src/entry.mjs --help # Helper for info on how to run custom options.

# Start script in watch mode, wait 120 seconds between tries, using custom path for config and custom output for success info.
./src/entry.mjs --watch --timeout 120 --config $(pwd)/result/custom.json --output $(pwd)/result/custom-success.json

Once the script succeeds in creating a booking it will create a file called result/success.json and any time you run the script with that file existing, the script will close without doing anything.


Create a json file with the below mentioned values to be able to run this script.

Supported regions:

Set the region parameter to one of the values in paranthesis.

  • Blekinge Län (blekinge)
  • Dalarna (dalarna)
  • Gotland (gotland)
  • Gävleborg (gavleborg)
  • Halland (halland)
  • Jämtland (jamtland)
  • Jönköping (jonkoping)
  • Kalmar (kalmar)
  • Kronoberg (kronoberg)
  • Norrbottn (norrbotten)
  • Skåne (skane)
  • Stockholm (stockholm)
  • Södermanland (sodermanland)
  • Uppsala (uppsala)
  • Värmland (varmland)
  • Västerbotten (vasterbotten)
  • Västernorrland (vasternorrland)
  • Västmanland (vastmanland)
  • Västra Götaland (vastragotaland)
  • Örebro (orebro)
  • Östergötland (ostergotland)

Station Id

Set the station paramater to either 0, to allow any station in your region, or a specific station id.
All the stations id's can be found over here.

Full way

Set the station paramater to either 0, to allow any station in your region, or a specific station id.
The station id can be found as below:

End date

You must always provide an endDate, feel free to set it a couple of years into the future if this does not apply to you.

This script is intended to try to find a time as soon as possible, and if you already have booked a trip abroad or so feel free to limit the search to set a max date that you are interested in a reasonable amount of time before the trip.

Format: yyy-mm-dd

Offset start

WARNING! Not properly tested, as it is hard to get same-day bookings.

Use the offsetStart if you do need a couple of days to be able to plan. If you set the value to 0 (default) same day bookings are allowed. 1 would mean that you can book 1 day after the execution of the script.


Provide persons as an list of all the people you want to book a passport for at the same time. You must define every person in the list with firstname and lastname. See example above.

Contact information

You must set the contact info of the persons who is doing the booking. You must provide email address and phone number.
Note that you will receive booking details both by email and sms.


If you do not want to run this script with the watch-mode on manually you can do a cronjob similar to:

*/15 * * * * [PATH_TO_REPO]/src/index.mjs > [PATH_TO_REPO]/result/log.txt 2>&1


Documentation below this point is just notes how to help improve this script.

How to add region support

Add personDetailsServices & serviceGroupIds to src/flow/regionSpecifics.mjs (and make a PR to this repo). Also remembed to update this readme file above.

Find personDetailsServices

Find serviceGroupIds

  • See concepts from above.
  • Navigate the form until you come to the Uppgifter till bokningen step.
  • Fill the form for name and booking type.
  • (Optional:) Clear requests history in the dev tools network tab.
  • Press Nästa.
  • In the latest post request ([region], status 302).
  • In the payload tab, take note of:
    • Customers[0].Services[0].ServiceId = serviceId0
    • Customers[0].Services[0].ServiceTextName = serviceText0
    • Customers[0].Services[1].ServiceId = serviceId1
    • Customers[0].Services[1].ServiceTextName = serviceText1


Helper to book a passport time






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