This repository is a very simple mix of 2 monospaced fonts: Source Code Pro by Adobe and Victor Mono by Rune B.
This font replaces the regular Source Code Pro Italic by Victor Mono's cursive italics. I love the Source Code Pro font, but really wanted to use Victor Mono's incredible italics for something, so I use it for comments when programming.
To build this, you need fontforge and
make (doesn't need to be GNU's).
After that, you just need to run make build
. The font should be in a newly
created build/
Note: don't forget to pull the git submodules for the 2 fonts
(git submodule update --recursive --remote
You can install this font system-wide by running make install
with root
privileges. You can have both the original fonts and this mix of them
installed without any conflicts (it uses a different font name and family:
Victor Code Pro).
Note: you can also uninstall it by running make uninstall
with root
The credits of the original authors have been kept in each font file.
The source and license of this font can be found in its official github repository.
The source and license of this font can be found in its official github repository.
Refer to the original authors of each project for their licensing. I'm just redistributing a repackaged version of their work (as is allowed by their licenses) with no commercial use intentions.