Tracking my progress learning OpenGL. Using a number of online articles and tutorials. Broken into manageable sections with a self assigned task to be completed for each section.
Show a triangle on screen with RGB and interpolated coloring.
2. Texturing"
Create a rectangular texture using 2 triangles.
Translate and Rotate a textured object.
Create a Perspective view of a rotating cube.
5. "Camera"
Implement a user controlled camera that allows movement through the world.
6. "Colors"
Create a lamp and box of different colors, ready for lighting.
Create a scene with ambient, diffuse and specular lighting.
8. "Materials"
Create a box with variable material properties.
Create a box which uses diffuse/specular maps to add highlights to specific sections. (ie. iron rim should reflect more than wooden body)
Create a scene with directional, spot(flashlight attached to camera) and multiple point lights.