/* Creates a number of randomly generated non overlapping ROIs with the width, height and distance set by the user. *
- Macro Instructions:
- Under User variables, change the width, height and min distance as desired
- Macro tested with ImageJ 1.53g, Java 1.8.0_172 (64bit) Windows 10
- Macro by Johnny Gan Chong email:behappyftw@g.ucla.edu
- January 2021 */
Min distance: distance between ROIs. Left 10, right 50:
Change size of ROI using ROI_height and ROI_width
Change whether min distance is calculated from the center or from the border of ROI. Calculating from center may have overlapping ROIs if height/width is bigger than min distance.
Left: Use_BorderToBorder = false, right: Use_BorderToBorder = true
Change max_try to however many iterations to run before giving up.