Train faster and better with the SLS optimizer. The following 3 steps are there for getting started.
pip install git+
Use Sls
in your code by adding the following script.
import sls
opt = sls.Sls(model.parameters())
for epoch in range(100):
# create loss closure
closure = lambda : torch.nn.MSELoss()(model(X), y)
# update parameters
loss = opt.step(closure=closure)
Install the experiment requirements pip install -r requirements.txt
python -e mnist -sb ../results -d ../data -r 1
where -e
is the experiment group, -sb
is the result directory, and -d
is the dataset directory.
python -e cifar100 -sb ../results -d ../data -r 1
jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension --sys-prefix
jupyter notebook
from haven import haven_jupyter as hj
from haven import haven_results as hr
from haven import haven_utils as hu
# path to where the experiments got saved
savedir_base = '../results'
# filter exps
filterby_list = [{'dataset':'cifar100', 'opt':{'c':0.5}},
{'dataset':'cifar100', 'opt':{'name':'adam'}}]
# get experiments
rm = hr.ResultManager(savedir_base=savedir_base,
# dashboard variables
legend_list = ['']
title_list = ['dataset', 'model']
y_metrics = ['train_loss', 'val_acc']
# launch dashboard
hj.get_dashboard(rm, vars(), wide_display=True)
title={Painless stochastic gradient: Interpolation, line-search, and convergence rates},
author={Vaswani, Sharan and Mishkin, Aaron and Laradji, Issam and Schmidt, Mark and Gidel, Gauthier and Lacoste-Julien, Simon},
booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
It is a collaborative work between labs at MILA, Element AI, and UBC.