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Seth Shaw edited this page Jan 15, 2025 · 3 revisions


This meeting is held virtually via Zoom, with an open channel for chatter on Slack. Anyone is welcome to join. The hosting can be claimed by anybody with the host ID. The Host ID is in the header of the TAG slack channel.

Chair Roster

These are the core members of TAG and will take on chair of the meeting if there are no volunteers, and will support volunteers who are chairing for the first time:

  • Don
  • Seth
  • Annie


  • Annie Oelschlager πŸͺ‘
  • Seth Shaw πŸ—’οΈ
  • Adam Vessey
  • Brian Gregg
  • Joe Corall
  • Jordan Dukart
  • Josh d'Entremont
  • Laurin Penland
  • Stephen Szanati
  • Rosie Le Faive
  • Alexander O'Neill


Note that links are to the document repository only. New issues in other repositories or organizations will not appear in this list, and should be added by interested parties directly to the agenda.

  1. @adam-vessey: To discuss: Islandora's presence: issue queue, workflows? Being able to credit contributions on d.o?
  2. PR Roundup for Islandora Org- Link sorted by recently updated
  3. Issue Roundup - Link sorted by recently updated
  4. Review of mailing list
  5. PR Roundup for Islandora DevOps- Link sorted by recently updated
  6. Issue Roundup for Islandora DevOps- Link sorted by recently updated
  7. PR Roundup for Islandora Labs - Link sorted by recently updated
  8. Issue Roundup for Islandora Labs - Link sorted by recently updated
  9. Feel free to add more, or add something from Islandora Discussions


  • presense
    • Seth agreed that we should try to embrace more of the workflows; however, we should probably wait until the new community manager is on board. No one voiced objections to this.
  • : they will generally report "I'm here" but not that they are setup to work correctly. E.g. Houdini having imagemagick with JP2 support.
    • Those types of checks can be hard to write. One could hook into testing framework.
    • Rosie mentioned we could do better in documenting how/where to check logs for diagnosing issues.
    • With ISLE most stuff is going to the docker logs, but CrayFits (for example) has logging hard-coded elsewhere.
    • "I'm here" is sensible for a health check, but "does it work" is more appropriate as a one-time in the image build/install process.
    • Adds health-checking. Looks really helpful.
    • Question of doing this with Alpaca since when it isn't working it doesn't usually die. (This is usually because Alpaca gets logjammed instead of outright failing.)
    • Seth asked for testing instructions.
  • Annie asked about creating a release of advanced_search, which we tabled until the end of the meeting.
  • Rosie mentioned Drupal CMS. Is anyone interested in checking it out? Recipe-based.
    • Seth's concern is microservices working with it.
    • Rosie asked about Crayfish as a Service that we could call. Joe responded that it could be done, we just need to get Alpaca into ddev. Adam mentioned some services do require the service to have web-access to the file, which obviously doesn't work on a local install the external service can't resolve.
    • Annie points out that, even if we could get the microservices working, ddev support is essentially yet another isle-dc or isle-site-template.

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