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Releases: IntelRealSense/realsense_samples

WW4.3 Samples Release

27 Jan 22:51
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Release Notes for Intel® RealSense™ SDK Samples

Version v0.6.5
Intel® RealSense™ SDK Samples demonstrate how to develop applications using Intel RealSense cameras with functionality for interacting with objects, people, and mapping environments with SLAM.

New Features and Changes

Please refer to the readme file for the features included in the Sample Applications.
The following changes are introduced in this release:

Compatible Platforms

The samples were developed and tested on the following platform:

Software Requirements

  • Intel RealSense Cross Platform API - v1.12.1
  • Intel RealSense SDK 0.7.1
  • Intel RealSense Person Tracking 0.5.10
  • Intel RealSense Object Recognition 0.5.1
  • Intel RealSense SLAM 2.0.4
  • Apache log4cxx
  • JPEG
  • OpenCV 3.1

Hardware Requirements

  • Intel RealSense ZR300 (DS4.1) Rev11 G sensor camera [DS4.1 Firmware 4.1, Adapter Board Firmware (CX3) 1.29, Motion Module Firmware](MM# 951805).
  • Intel Joule 570x Developer Kit with expansion board (MM# 951308).
  • Note: This middleware module was validated with one ZR300 camera connected to Joule.

Known Limitations

This release includes the following known limitations:

  • The samples are neither designed nor intended to survive stress conditions.
  • OR web tutorials use VGA resolution, there is a known Object library issue that VGA resolutions causes memory leak. In addition this lower resolution impacts the classifier accuracy.
  • rs_slam_or_pt_tutorial_1 sample memory leak ( 2.5MB in 1 minute).
  • pt tutorials: memory leak of 5-120MB after a few hours of run.
  • slam_gui_tutorial_1: When zooming out the 2DMap, the center of interest is not on the camera’s current pose, but on the starting point.
  • rs_pt_tutorial_4_web: "rid=??" After Person Registration, the RID in the GUI is not always updated (Reproduce rate 50%).
  • rs_pt_tutorial_4_web - client was disconnected by server after 77 minutes with Error: Buffer is too large (Reproduce rate <20%).
  • rs_pt_tutorial_2_gui: does not update the GUI table data when a person’s distance is larger than 0.5-0.8 meters, when using QVGA resolution. VGA works fine.
  • The samples are not consistent when executed without a ZR300 camera connected.
  • rs_or_tutorial_1,3,4_gui - stream start flickering and colors inverted to blue after 4-5 seconds, the reason is that not all frames are processed, so the re-drawn boxes looks flickering. The web sample doesn’t have this issue.
  • rs_or_tutorial_3_gui -When pressing left mouse button stream freezes, can’t drag and set region.
  • In multi-modality mode (such as sample slam_or_pt_tutorial) RGB Full High Definition is not supported due to (Joule) hardware limitation. This may impact the quality of features that require FHD such as Object classifier.


Copyright 2017 Intel Corporation

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this project except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the LICENSE.

*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others

WW43 Samples Release

18 Oct 23:10
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This release of Joule Samples for realsense are built upon SDK V0.2.10 and based on WW38 full Ostro build #7051 (LibRealSense v1.10.0 + RealSenseSDK v0.2.10 + PT v0.3.5 + SLAM v0.3.1 + ProjOPT v0.2.9 + OR v0.2.1)