Hello there! It is I, IconicPlushStars. These are my modkit files for my Black Ops 2 CoDz VR Port. The main purpose of this Modkit is to have elements of the greenrun survival maps and the nuketown elements as well.
Please, please, please give credit to me and Sammy, as a lot of the work here was done by him.
I don't plan on making any major updates for this modkit and such. I will be adding bug fixes and features here and there, but I have no plans for any big changes or additions anytime soon.
- Go to the Releases tab and download the
file. - Extract the file and drag it into your Contractors Modkit content folder via File Explorer.
- Refer to the official documentation created by Anony in the official CoDz Discord (not the BO2 CoDz Discord), which can be found at: https://discord.gg/Hq8KgvHW7f.
- I also have my own doumentation within the same discord for BO2 modkit features.
- Anony: Creator of the CoDz Black Ops 1 modkit (also known as the official CoDz modkit).
- IconicPlushStars: ME! I am the main coder for this project.
- Sammy: Ported most of the Black Ops 2 weapons to the Contractors modkit and shared them with me.
- Fran: Provided an fucking awesome achievement system, and made the tombstone system. (Shout out to him, play his Mario 64 map)
- Ellis: Created particles, helped make the Black Ops 2 weapons have CoDz support, and found a source with many BO2 textures, sounds, and models.
- SmokeyGosling: Helped add CoDz support to the Black Ops 2 weapons.
- ItsNotTristan: Provided lava burning sound effects and zombie models.
- Vegal: Ported BO2 GreenRun Survival player models.
Here are some of the extra features I added to this modkit:
- Speed Cola support
- Fall damage
- PhD Flopper
- Hellbox
- Gun names displayed on the UI
- Max Ammo adding grenades to the player
- Lava
- Buildables
- Richtofen power-up lines
- Perk spawners
- Jet Gun
- Ray Gun Mark II
- Galva Knuckles
- Black Ops 2 wall buys
- Kill count increases when you kill zombies
- Down count increases when you get downed
- Character name fading in when you spawn in on the wrist UI
- Round progression animations
- Chalk Rounds
- Points Animation
- Round HUD
- Reload Reminders
- Slider for tabs in CoDz Settings
- Achievement system (shout out to fran for makin it)
- Map text starts
- Ranks
- Stats
- Hand only models
- Zombies from nuketown
- Nuketown perk system
- Tombstone
- Grenades hitting zombies
- Fixed zombies despawning when they approach a distraction (e.g., Monkey Bombs).
- Resolved getting more Monkey Bombs when the next round starts.
- Fixed issues caused by Contractors updates.
- Fixed Stamin-Up functionality.
- Fixed Monkey Bombs having broken left hand support.
- Fixed teleporter reset system
- Fixed culling problems
- Fixed an issue where you would buy a gadget (ex: claymores, semtex grenades) wallbuy and it would not transfer to your holster