Service App is a project and framework designed to
- RAD framework
- design form with formio builder and render with CRUD Api that implement italian AGID Theme
- available plugin class system to build your own backend and/or frontend custom service
- documentation for plugin development is in WIP
Read the complete Documentations
- i18n
- automated test
- FomIo component TODO list available here
- Design your form with builder for more info about see homepage
- View Form, the form is server side rendered with jinja template
- Add and Edit Data with yours forms
- MongoDB based
- And more
cp cfg_template/._env.template.demo .env cp cfg_template/template.demo.config.json config.json
open Service App in your browser
When app start standard user is Public User.
on upper rigth side of blue header bar click on "Public User" dropdown menu then logout
Now you can login in app with:
- user: admin
- password: admin
Activate Builder mode:
- After login, on upper right side of blue header bar click "Admin Admin" dropdown
- click on the Builder toggle
- Now the app is in builder mode, you can design forms, resources and edit other settings.
install/update docker compose from Docker Compose Repo mkdir -p ~/.docker/cli-plugins/ wget -O ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose chmod a+x ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose
- FastApi - The Api framework
- Jinja - Jinja is a fast, expressive, extensible templating engine
- AGID Theme
- jQuery QueryBuilder
- Redis - Used as Cache Service
- Cisco ClamAV - Used in upload file as virus scanner Service
- Alessio Gerace
This project is covered by a MIT license.