- India
- 5h30m ahead - indrajit.vercel.app
- i_n_d_e_r_j_e_e_t_0_0_7
- in/indrajit02
- profile.php?id=100033803686797
- @Rockindra003
INDERJEET0202 Public
Thank you for visiting my profile, and please feel free to browse through my repositories, follow me, or reach out to me for any collaboration opportunities or just to say hello!
UpdatedJun 5, 2024 -
Persidio Public
Built in a 6 hours test conducted by Persidio on Hackerearth Platform
JavaScript UpdatedMay 28, 2024 -
Library_Management_System Public
The Library Management System optimizes library tasks, allowing users to request and read books, librarians to manage inventory and requests, and administrators to oversee roles. Built with Vue3, F…
My-Protfolio Public
Just a portfolio website showcasing my projects and other details. I am an upcoming software engineer graduating in 2024, currently seeking for internship.
modern-notes-app Public
This repository contains a modern notes taking app designed to streamline the process of note-taking for users. It offers a user-friendly interface where users can create different groups to organi…
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 28, 2024 -
chat_bot Public
Chat bot Where anyone can record his audio and play it back. Built using react library
JavaScript UpdatedDec 29, 2023 -
Telaverge-Project Public
Flight Heaven is your ultimate destination for hassle-free flight booking. With our user-friendly website, you can effortlessly select your departure city and arrival city, and instantly discover a…
JavaScript UpdatedNov 27, 2023 -
Final-Year-Project Public
Forked from krishnenduroy52/Final-Year-ProjectCollege final year project
Python UpdatedNov 17, 2023 -
This is a real-time chat application implemented using React and Socket.io. This app allows users to chat / send messages to friends or existing ones in real-time.
JavaScript UpdatedJun 29, 2023 -
netflix_clone Public
This project is a clone of Netflix implemented using Next.js and deployed on Vercel. It features a similar user interface and experience to the original platform, and is optimized for fast performa…
TypeScript UpdatedApr 28, 2023 -
Gold Price Drop Notifier is a Chrome extension that helps you stay up-to-date with the latest gold prices and notifies you when the gold price drops below your specified rate. Simply set your desir…
JavaScript UpdatedApr 25, 2023 -
Web-Scrapping Public
This repository contains code examples and exercises for web scraping with BeautifulSoup, covering techniques such as extracting data from HTML and XML documents, navigating web pages, and parsing …
Python UpdatedMar 28, 2023 -
Python-Progrmming Public
This is my GitHub repository of Python programming codes I wrote in college. Here, you'll find well-commented programs covering various topics, organized into folders. Whether you're a beginner or …
starter-express-api Public
Forked from cyclic-software/starter-express-apiJavaScript UpdatedJan 22, 2023 -
c-programming Public
Welcome to my GitHub repository of C programming codes I wrote in college. Here, you'll find well-commented programs covering basic and advanced topics, organized into folders. Whether you're a beg…
NewsApp_using_React Public
This News App is a web application implemented using React that fetches news articles from an API and displays them in a visually appealing manner. The code is well-documented and structured, makin…
JavaScript UpdatedJan 3, 2023