This software is a small python program to create a batch that export images from an svg file created with inkscape. You can parameter all the export inside the svg file itself.
In order to prepare your svg file, you need to set the label in the property of some objects. Property of svg object is accessible with the menu object. You will need to change some names. The picture below will show you the menu in inkscape ("Object" > "Property of the object")
The name of the object help the program to find the right element in the all svf file.
The name for the extracted object is picture. The extracted object is the image you want to generate. Only the object is extracted, the object behind or somewhere else are not extracted.
The name for the filename of extracted object is name. Could you use folder in the name.
The list of the command object is name command. The list of the command is directly link to the command line of inkscape.
width: The width of generated bitmap in pixels.
height: The height of generated bitmap in pixels.
background-opacity: Opacity of the background of exported PNG. This may be a value either between 0.0 and 1.0 (0.0 meaning full transparency, 1.0 full
opacity) or greater than 1 up to 255 (255 meaning full opacity).
background: Background color of exported PNG. This may be any SVG supported color string, rgb(255, 0, 128).
png: export png
eps: export eps
pdf: export pdf
svg*: export svg
output_folder: Define the output folder of the exported images.
You can set many values separated by ";".
Finaly, group the name, the command and the picture to define the complet extraction. You can group all those object into a group object named image.
You can also group some commands in the object general_command.