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Starting to integrate into workflow #41

Starting to integrate into workflow

Starting to integrate into workflow #41

# name: EXPERIMENTAL ACVP Artifact validation
# on:
# push:
# branches: [ 'acvp-auto-testing' ]
# jobs:
# acvp_validation:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# # Is this an appropriate dotnet image?
# container:
# steps:
# - name: Checkout code
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# path: ./pqc-certificates
# - name: Checkout ACVP code
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# # I would rather clone the official repo usnistgov/ACVP-Server
# # and then have any supporting code here in this pqc-certificates repo.
# repository: josephlukefahr/ACVP-Server
# path: ./ACVP-Server
# - run: apt update && apt install zip unzip
# - run: mkdir ./output
# - run: /bin/bash ./pqc-certificates/providers/nist-acvts-test/ ./AVCP-Server
# - run: /bin/bash ./pqc-certificates/src/ ./pqc-certificates ./ACVP-Server
# - name: Save artifacts
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: Compatibility_acvp_csv
# path: ./output/