An unofficial Gatling 2.3 stress test plugin for Apache Kafka 1.0 protocol.
This extension now supports Kafka consumers. Kafka messages are correlated between what producers send and what consumers consume by a custom message matcher (implementation based on matching JSON fields provided).
- String messages only supported in consumer
actions supported, no distinctconsume
action- Kafka producer supports one topic
- Consumed message topic check only supported (additional checks can be added on demand)
To assembly artifact and publish it to Nexus maven repository execute the command:
$ sbt clean assembly publish
It requires the configured .credentials
file in %USER_HOME%/.sbt/
folder with a format:
realm=Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager
$ git clone
$ cd gatling-kafka
Install sbt 0.13 if you don't have. And create a jar file:
$ sbt assembly
If you want to change the version of Gatling used to create a jar file,
change the following line in build.sbt
"io.gatling" % "gatling-core" % "2.2.3" % "provided",
and run sbt assembly
If you don't want to include kafka-clients library to the jar file,
change a line on kafka-clients in build.sbt
("org.apache.kafka" % "kafka-clients" % "")
("org.apache.kafka" % "kafka-clients" % "" % "provided")
and run sbt assembly
Note that Apache Kafka or below doesn't contain kafka-clients library.
Put the jar file to lib
directory in Gatling:
$ cp target/scala-2.11/gatling-kafka-assembly-*.jar /path/to/gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle-2.2.*/lib
If you edited build.sbt
in order not to include kafka-clients library
to the jar file, you also need to copy kafka-clients library to lib
$ cp /path/to/kafka-clients-*.jar /path/to/gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle-2.2.*/lib
$ cd /path/to/gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle-2.2.*
$ vi user-files/simulations/KafkaSimulation.scala
You can find sample simulation files in the test directory.
Among these files, BasicSimulation.scala would be a good start point.
Make sure that you replace BasicSimulation
with KafkaSimulation
in BasicSimulation.scala
if your simulation filename is KafkaSimulation.scala
Note that gatling-kafka 0.1.x isn't compatible with 0.0.x. See the in the 0.0.6 release if you are using 0.0.x.
After starting an Apache Kafka server, run a stress test:
$ bin/
Apache License, Version 2.0