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doc GS1

Josh Horton edited this page Feb 9, 2021 · 41 revisions


Global Standards One (GS1) is a not-for-profit global business organization that develops and maintains standards and services for supply chain participants. GS1 standards enable businesses that use divergent processes and procedures to interact and transact with clarity and efficiency.

GS1 provides a method for registering identifiers for company prefixes, locations, and products. Each registered identifier is a unique ID (UUID) that can be used on any supply chain, worldwide. The following list of GS1 Identifier Types are commonly used in IBM Food Trust™. A complete list of GS1 ID types is available on the GS1 site. GS1 ID types.

GS1 Identifier Types

Identifier Description Examples
GTIN Global Trade Item Number (products and services) Milk, mangoes, tomatoes
GLN Global Location Number (parties and locations) Businesses, warehouses, retail stores
SSCC Serial Shipping Container Code or Logistics units Pallets, containers


As shown in Table 1, IBM Food Trust uses GS1 URNs, which follow the GS1 Tag Data Standard:

Table 1. GS1 URNs
Element Example and Syntax
EAN-13 / GTIN-13 formats Attention: IBM Food Trust does not support EAN-13 / GTIN-13 formats; please add a leading zero (0) to construct a GTIN-14 URN.
EPC-SSCC urn:epc:id:sscc:5012345.0678901234
urn:epc:id:sscc:<CompanyPrefix>.<ExtensionAndSerialRef>(17 Digits)
EPC-SGTIN urn:epc:id:sgtin:0614141.107346.2017
urn:epc:id:sgtin:<CompanyPrefix>.<IndicatorDigit><ItemRef>.<SerialNumber>(13 Digits + Serial Number)
EPC-SGLN urn:epc:id:sgln:0614141.00777.0
urn:epc:id:sgln:<CompanyPrefix>.<LocationReference>.<Extension>(12 Digits + Extension)
EPC-LGTIN urn:epc:class:lgtin:0614141.107346.101
urn:epc:class:lgtin:<CompanyPrefix>.<IndicatorDigit><ItemRef>.<Lot>(13 digits + Lot)
EPC-GTIN urn:epc:idpat:sgtin:0614141.107346.*
urn:epc:idpat:sgtin:<CompanyPrefix>.<IndicatorDigit><ItemRef>.*(13 Digits + '*')
GS1-GTIN 40987650000223
<Indicator><CompanyPrefix><ItemRef><CheckDigit>(14 Digits)
GS1-SSCC 409876506700001010
<Extension><CompanyPrefix><SerialReference><CheckDigit>(18 Digits)
GS1-GLN 4098765000010
<CompanyPrefix><LocationReference><CheckDigit>(13 Digits)
GS1_ENTITY urn:epcglobal:cbv:bt:1234567890123:T1234
urn:epcglobal:cbv:bt:<GS1-GLN>:<Transaction ID>
GS1_ENTITY_TYPE urn:epcglobal:cbv:btt:po
urn:epcglobal:cbv:btt:<Business Transaction Type>
Valid Business Transaction Types = bol, desadv, inv, pedigree, po, poc, prodorder, recadv, rma
GS1_BIZSTEP urn:epcglobal:cbv:bizstep:receiving
Valid bizSteps = accepting, arriving, assembling, collecting, commissioning, consigning, creating_class_instance, cycle_counting, decommissioning, departing, destroying, disassembling, dispensing, encoding, entering_exiting, holding, inspecting, installing, killing, loading, other, packing, picking, receiving, removing, repackaging, repairing, replacing, reserving, retail_selling, shipping, staging_outbound, stock_taking, stocking, storing, transforming, transporting, unloading, unpacking, void_shipping
Note: Custom bizSteps are also supported in the format of a valid HTTP URL starting with either http:// or https://. The recommended format is http://<client-controlled-domain-name>/<path>/<biz_step_name>
GS1_DISPOSITION urn:epcglobal:cbv:disp:destroyed
Valid Dispositions = active, container_closed, damaged, destroyed, dispensed, disposed, encoded, expired, in_progress, in_transit, inactive, no_pedigree_match, non_sellable_other, partially_dispensed, recalled, reserved, retail_sold, returned, sellable_accessible, sellable_not_accessible, stolen, unknown
GS1_SOURCE_DEST_TYPE urn:epcglobal:cbv:sdt:possessing_party
urn:epcglobal:cbv:sdt:<Source Destination Type>
Valid Source Destination Types = owning_party, possessing_party, location

Read Points

For EPCIS Events on a vehicle or ship in transit, GS1 read point geo-coordinates are supported using RFC5870 compliant URNs. Valid geographic coordinates for <readPoint><geo> XML are comma-separated latitude,longitude coordinates or comma-separated latitude,longitude,altitude coordinates, as shown in the following examples:


IBM Food Trust surfaces read point data through the Trace API only, it is not available through the UI. For an example of IBM Food Trust read point upload syntax, see the annotated Commission Event XML. For GS1 read point details, refer to section 7.3.4 of the GS1 EPCIS Standard, at

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