The Huddle01 Unity Native Plugin provides Unity developers with the ability to integrate real-time communication features, including audio and video chat, messaging, and room creation, directly into their Unity projects. This plugin is ideal for games and applications requiring communication between users.
- Audio Chat: High-quality audio communication for games and applications.
- Video Chat: Seamless video streaming with low latency.
- Message Chat: Real-time text messaging for users.
- Room Creation: Create and manage communication rooms within your app.
To use this plugin in your Unity project:
- Download the latest version from the Releases section of this GitHub repository.
- Import the plugin into your Unity project.
- Add the following dependencies manually in your
"dependencies": {
"com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json": "3.2.1",
"com.endel.nativewebsocket": "",
"com.unity.webrtc": "3.0.0-pre.7"