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Huddle01 Audio Spaces Demo App 🎙️

A beginner-friendly demo application showcasing how to build audio spaces using Huddle01's React SDK. This project demonstrates real-time audio communication features similar to Twitter Spaces or Clubhouse, built with Next.js, TypeScript, and Zustand.

🚀 Features

  • Audio Space Creation: Create and join real-time audio rooms
  • Role-Based Access Control: Support for different participant roles
    • Host: Full room control and management
    • Co-Host: Room management with limited permissions
    • Speaker: Active participation rights
    • Listener: Listen-only access with reaction capabilities
  • Interactive Elements:
    • Raise Hand functionality
    • Real-time reactions
    • Speaker requests
    • Peer list management
  • Custom UI Components: Pre-built components matching Huddle01's design system

🛠️ Tech Stack

📋 Prerequisites

Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:

🔧 Installation

  1. Clone the repository
git clone
  1. Install dependencies
pnpm i
  1. Configure environment variables

Create a .env file in the root directory and add the following:


📝 Get your API credentials by connecting your wallet at the Huddle01 API Keys Page

  1. Start the development server
pnpm run dev

💡 Key Concepts

Peer Management

Use the usePeerIds hook to filter and manage peers based on their roles:

import { usePeerIds } from "@huddle01/react/hooks";
import { Role } from '@huddle01/server-sdk/auth';

const { peerIds } = usePeerIds({ role: Role.SPEAKER });

Remote Peer Data

Access remote peer information using the useRemotePeer hook:

import { useRemotePeer } from "@huddle01/react/hooks";

const { metadata, role } = useRemotePeer<{
  displayName: string;
  avatarUrl: string;
  isHandRaised: boolean;
}>({ peerId });

Role Management

Update peer roles using the updateRole method:

import { useRemotePeer } from "@huddle01/react/hooks";
import { Role } from '@huddle01/server-sdk/auth';

const { updateRole } = useRemotePeer({ peerId });

Interactive Features

  1. Raise Hand
import { useLocalPeer } from "@huddle01/react/hooks";

const { updateMetadata, metadata } = useLocalPeer<{
  displayName: string;
  avatarUrl: string;
  isHandRaised: boolean;

// Raise hand
updateMetadata({ ...metadata, isHandRaised: true });
  1. Send Reactions and Speaker Requests
import { useDataMessage, usePeerIds } from "@huddle01/react/hooks";
import { Role } from '@huddle01/server-sdk/auth';

const { sendData } = useDataMessage();

// Send reaction to all peers
const sendReaction = (emoji: string) => {
  sendData({ to: "*", payload: emoji, label: "emoji" });

// Send speaker request
const sendSpeakerRequest = () => {
  const { peerIds } = usePeerIds({ roles: [Role.HOST, Role.CO_HOST] });
  sendData({ to: peerIds, payload: peerId, label: "speakerRequest" });

📚 Documentation

For more detailed information about Huddle01 Audio Spaces, please refer to our official documentation.

Made with ❤️ by Huddle01 team.