The Htmlunit-NekoHtml Parser is a HTML scanner and tag balancer that enables application programmers to parse HTML documents
and access the information using standard XML interfaces.
The parser can scan HTML files and "fix up" many common mistakes that human (and computer) authors make in writing HTML documents.
NekoHTML adds missing parent elements; automatically closes elements with optional end tags; and can handle mismatched inline element tags.
The Htmlunit-NekoHtml Parser has no external dependencies at all, requires Java 8 and works also on Android.
The Htmlunit-NekoHtml Parser is used by Htmlunit.
❤️ Sponsor
HtmlUnit@mastodon | HtmlUnit@bsky | HtmlUnit@Twitter
Htmlunit-NekoHtml Parser suffers from a denial of service vulnerability on versions 2.60.0 and below. A specifically crafted input regarding the parsing of processing instructions leads to heap memory consumption.
Htmlunit-NekoHtml Parser suffers from a denial of service via crafted Processing Instruction vulnerability on versions 2.26 and below.
Add to your pom.xml
Add to your build.gradle
implementation group: 'org.htmlunit', name: 'neko-htmlunit', version: '4.10.0'
The DOMParser can be used together with the simple build in DOM implementation or with your own.
final String html =
" <!DOCTYPE html>\n"
+ "<html>\n"
+ "<body>\n"
+ "<h1>NekoHtml</h1>\n"
+ "</body>\n"
+ "</html>";
final StringReader sr = new StringReader(html);
final XMLInputSource in = new XMLInputSource(null, "foo", null, sr, null);
// use the provided simple DocumentImpl
final DOMParser parser = new DOMParser(HTMLDocumentImpl.class);
HTMLDocumentImpl doc = (HTMLDocumentImpl) parser.getDocument();
NodeList headings = doc.getElementsByTagName("h1");
Using the SAXParser is straigtforward - simple provide your own org.xml.sax.ContentHandler implementation.
final String html =
" <!DOCTYPE html>\n"
+ "<html>\n"
+ "<body>\n"
+ "<h1>NekoHtml</h1>\n"
+ "</body>\n"
+ "</html>";
final StringReader sr = new StringReader(html);
final XMLInputSource in = new XMLInputSource(null, "foo", null, sr, null);
final SAXParser parser = new SAXParser();
ContentHandler myContentHandler = new MyContentHandler();
The behavior of the scanner/parser can be influenced via a series of switches.
parser.setFeature(HTMLScanner.PLAIN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES, true);
Supported features:
AUGMENTATIONS - Include infoset augmentations
REPORT_ERRORS - Report errors
SCRIPT_STRIP_COMMENT_DELIMS - Strip HTML comment delimiters ("<!--" and "-->") from SCRIPT tag contents
SCRIPT_STRIP_CDATA_DELIMS - Strip XHTML CDATA delimiters ("<![CDATA[" and "]]>") from SCRIPT tag contents
STYLE_STRIP_COMMENT_DELIMS - Strip HTML comment delimiters ("<!--" and "-->") from STYLE tag contents
STYLE_STRIP_CDATA_DELIMS - Strip XHTML CDATA delimiters ("<![CDATA[" and "]]>") from STYLE tag contents
IGNORE_SPECIFIED_CHARSET -Ignore specified charset found in the <meta equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html;charset=...'> tag or in the <?xml ... encoding='...'> processing instruction
CDATA_EARLY_CLOSING - '>' closes the cdata section (see html spec) - default enabled
OVERRIDE_DOCTYPE - Override doctype declaration public and system identifiers
INSERT_DOCTYPE - Insert document type declaration
PARSE_NOSCRIPT_CONTENT - Parse <noscript>...</noscript>' content
ALLOW_SELFCLOSING_IFRAME - Allows self closing <iframe/> tag
ALLOW_SELFCLOSING_SCRIPT - Allows self closing <script/> tag
ALLOW_SELFCLOSING_TAGS - Allows self closing tags e.g. <div/> (XHTML)
NORMALIZE_ATTRIBUTES - Normalize attribute values
PLAIN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES - Store the plain attribute values also
The behavior of the scanner/parser can be influenced via a series of switches.
parser.setProperty(HTMLScanner.ENCODING_TRANSLATOR, EncodingMap.INSTANCE);
Supported properties:
NAMES_ELEMS - "upper", "lower", "default"
NAMES_ATTRS - "upper", "lower", "default"
ERROR_REPORTER - Error reporter; an instance of org.htmlunit.cyberneko.HTMLErrorReporter or null
ENCODING_TRANSLATOR - an implementation of org.htmlunit.cyberneko.xerces.util.EncodingTranslator. Starting with version 4.0.0 the default encoding translator is set to the StandardEncodingTranslator which provides a much better and standard compliant handling of encodings. You can switch back the EncodingMap, if you still need the old behavior.
DOCTYPE_PUBID - Doctype declaration public identifier
DOCTYPE_SYSID - Doctype declaration system identifier. */
The latest builds are available from our Jenkins CI build server
If you use maven please add:
You have to add the sonatype snapshot repository to your pom repositories
section also:
<id>OSS Sonatype snapshots</id>
Version 4.x introduces a major change in the handling of encodings - the mapping from the encoding label found in the meta tag to the encoding to be used for parsing the document got some significant changes. Starting with version 4.0 the mapping is now in sync with the spec.
For this also
- a new interface org.htmlunit.cyberneko.xerces.util.EncodingTranslator was introduced
- a new property '' is now supported
- set the property to a different EncodingTranslator if you like
- the new class org.htmlunit.cyberneko.xerces.util.StandardEncodingTranslator implements the new mapping
- the (old) class org.htmlunit.cyberneko.xerces.util.EncodingMap is still there; you can use this as encoding translator if you like to have the old translation behavior (parser.setProperty(HTMLScanner.ENCODING_TRANSLATOR, EncodingMap.INSTANCE))
Usually the upgrade should be simple:
- change your pom.xml to switch to the new artifact
- adjust the imports
- net.sourceforge.htmlunit.cyberneko -> org.htmlunit.cyberneko
- net.sourceforge.htmlunit.xerces -> org.htmlunit.cyberneko.xerces
But we have removed some features and some classes in version 3. If you have any problems or if you miss something important for your project, please open an issue.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
You simply only need a local maven installation.
Create a local clone of the repository and you are ready to start.
Open a command line window from the root folder of the project and call
mvn compile
mvn test
Pull Requests and and all other Community Contributions are essential for open source software. Every contribution - from bug reports to feature requests, typos to full new features - are greatly appreciated.
This part is intended for committer who are packaging a release.
- Check all your files are checked in
- Execute these mvn commands to be sure all tests are passing and everything is up to data
mvn versions:display-plugin-updates
mvn versions:display-dependency-updates
mvn -U clean test
Update the version number in pom.xml and
Commit the changes
Build and deploy the artifacts
mvn -up clean deploy
Go to Sonatype staging repositories and process the deploy
- select the repository and close it - wait until the close is processed
- release the package and wait until it is processed
Create the version on Github
- login to Github and open project
- click Releases > Draft new release
- fill the tag and title field with the release number (e.g. 4.0.0)
- append
- neko-htmlunit-4.xx.jar
- neko-htmlunit-4.xx.jar.asc
- neko-htmlunit-4.xx.pom
- neko-htmlunit-4.xx.pom.asc
- neko-htmlunit-4.xx-javadoc.jar
- neko-htmlunit-4.xx-javadoc.jar.asc
- neko-htmlunit-4.xx-sources.jar
- neko-htmlunit-4.xx-sources.jar.asc
- neko-htmlunit-4.xx-tests.jar
- neko-htmlunit-4.xx-tests.jar.asc
- and publish the release
Update the version number in pom.xml to start next snapshot development
Update the htmlunit pom to use the new release
HtmlUnit has been using CyberNeko HTML parser ( for a long time. But since the development was discontinued around 2014, we started our own fork, which now has many improvements.
As of version 2.68.0, neko-htmlunit also uses its own fork of Xerces (
This forked code is integrated into the code base to further reduce the external dependencies.
This made it possible to remove many unneeded parts and dependencies to ensure e.g. compatibility with Android.
- Andy Clark (author of CyberNeko)
- Marc Guillemot (CyberNeko and NekoHtml)
- Ahmed Ashour (NekoHtml)
- RBRi (NekoHtml)
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License
Many thanks to all of you contributing to HtmlUnit/CSSParser/Rhino/NekoHtml in the past.