Conversion of unit library for golang
go get -u
Basic usage:
ft := 1 * unit.Foot
fmt.Println(ft.Feet(), "feet is", ft.Meters(), "meters")
To use your own data type, you need to convert to the base unit first (eg Length, Speed etc):
type MyUnit int
n := MyUnit(2)
ft := Length(n) * Foot
fmt.Println(ft.Feet(), "feet is", ft.Meters(), "meters")
Cannot be used to scale directly like the other units. Instead, use the From* functions to create a Temperature type:
f := unit.FromFahrenheit(100)
fmt.Println("100 fahrenheit in celsius = ", f.Celsius())
Can also be converted directly from F to C or C to V for more precision
f := unit.CelsiusToFahrenheit(22.3)
c := unit.FahrenheitToCelsius(80.0)
result, err := unit.NewConverter(24.4).From("m3").To("ft3")
Please note the resulting precision is limited to the float64 type.
Under MIT