You can visit my website at! This website serves as a showcase for personal projects developed by Hatmic.
The website is developed using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. You can modify the CSS and JS files in the style and script directories, respectively.
The website is hosted on Github Pages, with the code available on the GitHub repository, released under the MIT license.
According to the MIT open-source license, anyone reproducing this work must respect my copyright and must retain the original copyright notice and license declaration.
Welcome to follow me on GitHub at!
You can click fork to clone my repository to your GitHub account; or you can open the folder you want to clone to your local machine and enter git clone
in the command line to clone the code locally.
You can modify the information in script/information.js to display your content and become your project showcase page!
你可以在 访问我的网站!此网站为 Hatmic 自主开发的个人项目的展示页面。
本网站使用 JavaScript, HTML, CSS 开发,你可以在 style 和 script 目录中分别修改 CSS 和 JS 文件。
此网站托管在 GitHub Pages 上,代码发布在 Github 仓库 中并以 MIT 协议开源。
根据 MIT 开源协议,任何人转载此作品都必须尊重我的著作权,并且必须保留原始的版权声明和许可声明。
欢迎在 GitHub 上关注我!
你可以点击 fork,将我的仓库复刻到你的 GitHub 账号上;也可以打开你要克隆到本地的文件夹,在命令行中输入 git clone
你可以在 script/information.js 中修改信息,这样就可以显示你的内容,成为你的项目展示页面了!