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A header only CLI to set function values during Arduino prototyping.


Small size

Developed for the Arduino UNO and above.

Automatic type conversion

Converts arguments to the type required by the function. For example:

void set_speed(int _speed){ speed = _speed; }
cli->add_argument<int>("speed", "Set motor speed", set_speed);
cli->add_argument<float>("direction", "Set compass direction", set_direction);

Can be called within the CLI as:

speed 100

If the value exceeds the maximum value of that type it is reverted to 0. For example:

speed 90000 # Returns 0 (as int has a max value of 32767)

Multiple args on single line

Arguments are processed inline, so you can do the following:

void enable(){ motor_on = true; }
void set_direction(float _direction){ direction = _direction; }
void set_speed(int _speed){ speed = _speed; }
cli->add_argument("enable", "Turn on motor", enable); // void CLI argument (accepts no value)
cli->add_argument<int>("speed", "Set motor speed", set_speed);
cli->add_argument<float>("direction", "Set compass direction", set_direction);

Then in the CLI:

enable speed 150 direction 98.2

Space delimited strings

Character arrays can be surrounded in quotes if they have spaces or alone if a single phrase is used. For example:

void echo(const char* msg) { Serial.println(msg); }
cli->add_argument<const char*>("echo", "Echo user input", echo);

Within the CLI:

echo "Hello World!"
# Output = Hello World!
echo Hello 
# Output = Hello

Inbuilt Arduino Helpers

Three helper functions are provided, range loop and array. The first two are for integer types only (array accepts floats and doubles). The command stop can be used to stop a range or loop function.


Executes a function with values provided between a range with spacing set by an interval. For example:

void update_speed(int _speed) { speed = _speed };
cli->add_argument<int>("speed", "Update motor speed", update_speed);

Then to call to set speeds between a range within the CLI:

speed range 0:100:500 # start:stop:interval (in ms)

This will call the update_speed() function with the values 0 to 100 with a new call every 500 ms.


Based on the same example a in the range function, the loop function will continually loop through the range (forwards and backwards) until the stop command has been provided by the user.

speed loop 0:100:500

This will call the update_speed() function with the values 0 to 100 then 100 to 0 with a new call every 500 ms.


The array function as the name suggests takes an array of abritraty values and passes them to a function sequentially, spaced by a user defined interval.

speed array 1000:[10, 2, 3, 81, 77] // Using ints
direction array 1000:[8.2, 71.3, 110.1, 22.6] // Using floats or doubles

The above example will pass the values found in the [] to the "speed" callback function with a delay of 1000 ms between each call.


#include <arduino-clap.h>
#include <Servo.h> // Not necessary, just an example

void echo(const char* msg){ Serial.println(msg); }
void set_motor_speed(int speed){ update_speed(speed); }

Servo servo;

ArduinoCLI* cli;

void setup(){
    cli = new ArduinoCLI(Serial);
    cli->add_argument<const char*>("echo", "Echo user input.", echo);
    cli->add_argument<int>("motor-speed", "Set motor speed.", set_motor_speed);
    cli->add_argument<int>("servo-angle", "Set servo angle.", [](int a){ servo.write(a); }); // Non-static

void loop(){
    // Will not get here until the CLI (cli) is exited with 
    // the "exit" command

Inbuilt help

The example above has an inbuilt help function.

$ help
	echo                Echo user input.                                                 
	motor-speed         Set motor speed.
	servo-angle.        Set servo angle.
	help                Print out help information.                                                   
	range               Execute function with values within a range (start:stop:interval_ms).         
	loop                Execute function in loop with values (start:stop:interval_ms).                
	stop                Stop range or loop function.                                                  
	exit                Exit CLI cleanly.                                                             


$ exit
Exited command line.


This project is under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE as found in the LICENCE file.


Arduino ecosystem command line argument parser (CLAP).








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