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BookHaven is a full-stack bookstore application built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js). This application allows users to browse, search, and purchase books online with a secure authentication system, dynamic catalog, and comprehensive admin dashboard for managing books and orders.
- User Authentication: Secure login and registration using JWT-based authentication and bcrypt for password hashing.
- Book Catalog: A dynamic, searchable catalog allowing users to filter books by category, author, and price.
- Shopping Cart: Users can add books to their cart and proceed with secure checkout.
- Admin Dashboard: Admins can manage books, authors, categories, and handle order fulfillment.
- Responsive Design: The application is optimized for both desktop and mobile platforms.
- Real-time Database: MongoDB stores user data, book information, and order details, providing real-time updates and scalable performance.
- React
- Redux
- Vite (bundler)
- Tailwind CSS
- Axios (for making HTTP requests)
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB (Database)
- JWT (Authentication)
- Bcrypt (Password hashing)
- Frontend and Backend: Deployed on Render
Ensure you have the following installed on your machine:
- Node.js
- MongoDB
- Git
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd BookHaven
Install server dependencies:
cd backend npm install
Install client dependencies:
cd frontend npm install
MongoDB Setup: Ensure MongoDB is running locally or configure a cloud-based MongoDB Atlas instance.
Start the server:
cd backend node app.js
Start the frontend:
cd frontend npm run dev
This project is open-source under the MIT License.